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Samsung Galaxy Store - Testing



Testers must be registered as a License Tester in the seller's Seller Portal profile. If you do not do this you will experience issues when testing your implementation.

Operation Mode

Samsung In-App Purchase uses "operation modes" to test your application in various states.

The operation mode is set through the Billing Service:

var service:BillingService = 
new BillingService( InAppBillingServiceTypes.SAMSUNG_INAPP_PURCHASE )
.setOperationMode( BillingService.OPERATION_MODE_TEST );

InAppBilling.service.setup( service );

The type of responses from the store is determined by the state of the application and the operation mode as per the table below:

IAP TestTransactionsIAP Operating ModeApp Status
Always Successful Side LoadNo chargeOPERATION_MODE_TESTRegistering
Always Fail Side LoadNo chargeOPERATION_MODE_TEST_FAILURERegistering
Production Closed BetaNo charge or Charge (depends on type of tester)OPERATION_MODE_PRODUCTIONBeta Deployed

Do not test when the IAP operating mode is OPERATION_MODE_PRODUCTION and the app status is Registering. IAP functionality is not supported under these conditions.

For more information on these modes and the transaction charges for different user types, see the guide here.