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Change a Purchase

You can offer users different subscription tiers, such as a base tier and a premium tier in some billing services (such as Google Play Billing).

If your application provides different teirs of subscriptions a user should be able to upgrade and downgrade a subscription by purchasing a different tier subscription.


Not every service supports changing purchases, so you should check the isChangePurchaseSupported flag before attempting any of the following functionality:

if (InAppBilling.service.isChangePurchaseSupported)
// changing purchases is supported on the current platform and service

Only call this after setting up your billing service.

Changing a Purchase

You should present a screen with the available subscriptions for a user and then if required trigger the upgrade / downgrade process by calling the changePurchase() method.

When upgrading or downgrading, you pass information about the current purchase including the product id and transaction id (i.e. Google Play purchase token) for the current subscription and the product id for the new (upgraded or downgraded) subscription and subscription offer:

var request:PurchaseChangeRequest = new PurchaseChangeRequest()
.setCurrentDetails( "current_product_id", "current_purchase_transaction_id" )
.setNewProductId( "new_product_id" )
new SubscriptionOfferRequest()
.setSubscriptionOffer( offer )

var success:Boolean = InAppBilling.service.changePurchase( request );

Similar to making a purchase you should listen for the PurchaseEvent.PURCHASES_UPDATED and PurchaseEvent.PURCHASE_FAILED events to handle the result from the purchase change.

InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( PurchaseEvent.PURCHASES_UPDATED, purchases_updatedHandler );
InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( PurchaseEvent.PURCHASE_FAILED, purchase_failedHandler );
Subscription Offers

Similar to a PurchaseRequest for a normal subscription you must provide an offer as part of the PurchaseChangeRequest. This must be an offer on the new subscription. See Subscription Offers for more information.

Set proration mode

When upgrading or downgrading a subscription, you can call setProrationMode() in the PurchaseChangeRequest class to provide details about the proration that will be applied when the subscription changes:

var request:PurchaseChangeRequest = new PurchaseChangeRequest()
.setCurrentDetails( "current_product_id", "current_purchase_transaction_id" )
.setNewProductId( "new_product_id" )
new SubscriptionOfferRequest()
.setSubscriptionOffer( offer )
.setProrationMode( PurchaseChangeRequest.IMMEDIATE_WITH_TIME_PRORATION );

The following table lists all of the proration modes.

PurchaseChangeRequest.IMMEDIATE_WITH_TIME_PRORATIONReplacement takes effect immediately, and the new expiration time will be prorated and credited or charged to the user. This is the current default behavior.
PurchaseChangeRequest.IMMEDIATE_AND_CHARGE_PRORATED_PRICEReplacement takes effect immediately, and the billing cycle remains the same. The price for the remaining period will be charged. Note: This option is only available for subscription upgrade.
PurchaseChangeRequest.IMMEDIATE_WITHOUT_PRORATIONReplacement takes effect immediately, and the new price will be charged on next recurrence time. The billing cycle stays the same.
PurchaseChangeRequest.DEFERREDReplacement takes effect on the next recurrence time.
PurchaseChangeRequest.IMMEDIATE_AND_CHARGE_FULL_PRICEReplacement takes effect immediately, and the user is charged full price of new plan and is given a full billing cycle of subscription, plus remaining prorated time from the old plan time.

Application Username

Similar to a purchase, you can attach an obfuscated username or account id to a purchase. You can set this during the change purchase process by calling setApplicationUsername() on your purchase change request.

var request:PurchaseChangeRequest = new PurchaseChangeRequest()
.setCurrentDetails( "current_product_id", "current_purchase_transaction_id" )
.setNewProductId( "new_product_id" )
.setApplicationUsername( "..." );

Further Reading