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Setup Billing Service

Billing Service

Before starting here you should make sure you have already setup the service for your application as outlined in earlier sections. This is where you would have added products to your application in the appropriate developer console.

The next step to using the functionality in this extension is to setup a billing (or purchasing) service. This simply requires you to set the service you plan on using and calling setup() with any service configuration required.

The following uses the default service for the current device and specifies the Google Play Billing Public License key:

var service:BillingService = new BillingService()

var success:Boolean = InAppBilling.service.setup( service );

This call performs a few things internally

  • Initialises the billing service
  • Initialises the purchase queue
  • Adds appropriate native purchase handlers
  • Checks the state of any pending purchases

The return value of the setup() function indicates if the configured service type is supported on the current device. This may return false if you have for example requests Apple In-App Purchases on an Android device.

Once this is complete the InAppBillingEvent.SETUP_SUCCESS event will be dispatched and the service is available for queries.

If an error occurred then the InAppBillingEvent.SETUP_FAILURE event will be dispatched. This is a fatal event and will stop any other functionality from working successfully. Generally this only occurs due to a misconfiguration and is to help you get an application working correctly however you should make sure that you handle the event appropriately.


We suggest you listen to the following four events before calling setup:

  • InAppBillingEvent.SETUP_SUCCESS: Dispatched when setup is successfully completed;
  • InAppBillingEvent.SETUP_FAILURE: Dispatched when there was an error during setup;
  • PurchaseEvent.PURCHASES_UPDATED: Dispatched if there are pending purchases needing to be processed;
  • PurchaseRequestEvent.SHOULD_ADD_PURCHASE: Dispatched if the app was launched from an AppStore promotional purchase (see Promotions).
InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( InAppBillingEvent.SETUP_SUCCESS, setup_successHandler );
InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( InAppBillingEvent.SETUP_FAILURE, setup_failureHandler );
InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( PurchaseEvent.PURCHASES_UPDATED, purchases_updatedHandler );
InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( PurchaseRequestEvent.SHOULD_ADD_PURCHASE, purchaseRequest_shouldAddPurchaseHandler );

new BillingService()

Service Type

The billing service type will be automatically selected based on the default of the current device platform. However we suggest you specify the service type in your BillingService using setServiceType() to specify a particular service:

var service:BillingService = new BillingService(  )
.setServiceType( InAppBillingServiceTypes.GOOGLE_PLAY_INAPP_BILLING )

var success:Boolean = InAppBilling.service.setup( service );

You do not need to call setServiceType. If you do not call it then the default for the current platform will be used, i.e. Apple InApp Purchases on iOS and Google's Play InApp Billing on Android.

We suggest that you do specify a service type, particularly on Android where there are multiple stores involved. This is so that you ensure you are utilising the correct store for your application, otherwise you may find that the extension incorrectly assumes you are using the default store on the device (eg Huawei AppGallery on a Huawei device), which may not be what you intend.


Once you have completed setup it is important to check whether the user on the current device can make payments. There are certain factors that can limit the functionality which can have consequences for all product and purchasing functionality.

For example, the latest version of Play Billing is only supported with an updated version of the Play Store app. If an older version is on the user's device the billing api will not be available.

To check the status call the checkAvailability() function and await the result. This function will dispatch an AvailabilityEvent.COMPLETE event or call a callback function passed as the parameter to the function.


function ( availability:String ):void
trace( "availability = " + availability );


InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( AvailabilityEvent.COMPLETE, function( event:AvailabilityEvent ):void
trace( "availability = " + event.availability );

The availability value will be one of the values defined in the InAppBillingAvailability class:

  • InAppBillingAvailability.AVAILABLE: Service is available for products and purchases;
  • InAppBillingAvailability.NOT_AVAILABLE: Service is unavailable on the device;
  • InAppBillingAvailability.STORE_UPGRADE_REQUIRED: An update is required to the store application for this service;

You should handle the response as required and inform your users if purchasing isn't available or steps to upgrade the store application.


If you don't check for the availability you will find certain aspects of the extension will fail. For example, if a store upgrade is required you will likely get failed events from functions like getProducts() with the error code FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED.

It is equally appropriate to handle those error events however we suggest an upfront approach using this function can provide a better user experience.

Pending Purchases

Note that the pending purchases may not be available to you at the InAppBillingEvent.SETUP_SUCCESS event, as they may be updated after setup has completed. This is particularly true on iOS/tvOS where the payment queue update (which populates the pending purchases) will occur a short time after setup succeeds.

This update will be indicated by a PurchaseEvent.PURCHASES_UPDATED, indicating there are purchases to process.