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Progress Dialog

A progress dialog can be used to show the progress of a long running process, such as downloading a file. A progress dialog can have a different appearances, such as a indeterminate spinner, a horizontal bar or an annular / circular fill.

A progress dialog is created by using an ProgressDialogBuilder. The create function will return a progress dialog specific DialogView represented by the ProgressDialogView class.

var progressDialog:ProgressDialogView = Dialog.service.create( 
new ProgressDialogBuilder()
.setTitle( "A Long Process is happening" )
.setMessage( "Loading..." )
.setStyle( DialogType.STYLE_HORIZONTAL )
.setCancelable( false )
.setTheme( new DialogTheme( DialogTheme.DEVICE_DEFAULT_LIGHT ))

Updating Progress

For a determinate progress dialog you can update the displayed value by calling update on the ProgressDialogView instance.

var progressInterval:uint;
var progress:Number = 0;
var progressDialog:ProgressDialogView;

if (Dialog.isSupported)
progressDialog = Dialog.service.create(
new ProgressDialogBuilder()
.setTitle( "A Long Process is happening" )
.setMessage( "Loading..." )
.setStyle( DialogType.STYLE_HORIZONTAL )
.setCancelable( false )
.setTheme( new DialogTheme( DialogTheme.DEVICE_DEFAULT_LIGHT ))
progressDialog.addEventListener( DialogViewEvent.CLOSED, progressDialog_closedHandler );;

progress = 0;
progressDialog.update( progress );

progressInterval = setInterval( progressDialog_intervalHandler, 2000 );


private function progressDialog_intervalHandler():void
progress += 0.1; // Change the value by some amount
progressDialog.update( progress );

if (progress >= 1) // Dismiss the dialog when complete
clearInterval( progressInterval );

private function progressDialog_closedHandler( event:DialogViewEvent ):void
trace( "progress dialog closed" );
progressDialog.removeEventListener( DialogViewEvent.CLOSED, progressDialog_closedHandler );

Updating Message

Similarly you can update the message displayed in the progress dialog by using the setMessage() function on the ProgressDialogView instance.

For example you could update the text to represent the percentage complete of the process the progress dialog is tracking:

var percent:Number = ...;

progressDialog.setMessage( "Loading " + percent + "% complete" );