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Action Sheet

Action sheets display a set of buttons representing several alternative choices to complete a task initiated by the user. It allows your application to get a user to quickly select from a list of actions or to confirm / cancel an action.

The list is presented from the bottom of the screen.

An Action Sheet is created by using an ActionSheetBuilder.

var actionSheet:DialogView = Dialog.service.create( 
new ActionSheetBuilder()
.setTitle( "Pick an Action" )
.setMessage( "Pick one of the following amazing options" )
.addAction( "The first action" )
.addAction( "Second thing" )
.addAction( "Cancel", DialogAction.STYLE_CANCEL )

actionSheet.addEventListener( DialogViewEvent.CLOSED, actionSheet_closedHandler );;


private function actionSheet_closedHandler( event:DialogViewEvent ):void
trace( "actionSheet closed " + event.index );
var actionSheet:DialogView = DialogView(event.currentTarget);
actionSheet.removeEventListener( DialogViewEvent.CLOSED, actionSheet_closedHandler );