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Tags are used by some services to assign variables to a user. This can then be used by the service to selective send notifications or to substitute variables in a notification to provide highly customised interactions with your users.

For example, you could send a notification with your user's name and current stage they are on in your game:

Hello Josh! We just improved our controls, come back and see if you can beat level 10!

by setting tags such as:

name: "Josh"
current_stage: "10"


Once you have setup your service you can query canSendTags to find out whether the current service supports tags. This allows you to react to cases where the user has push notifications but no tag support (eg with APNS).

if (PushNotifications.service.canSendTags)
// Can subscribe to topics

Send Tags

To assign a tag value to a user call the sendTag function with the tag name and the value to assign for the current user:

PushNotifications.service.sendTag( "name", "Josh" );

You can send multiple tags at the same time by sending an object:

name: "Josh",
current_stage: "10"

Get Tags

To retrieve a list of tags that have been set on the user call the getTags function.


This function will return true if the retrieval was started successfully and will subsequently dispatch a TagEvent.GET_TAGS_COMPLETE when the tags have been retrieved from the service.

PushNotifications.service.addEventListener( TagEvent.GET_TAGS_COMPLETE, getTags_completeHandler );

function getTags_completeHandler( event:TagEvent ):void
trace( JSON.stringify( event.tags ) );

The event will have a tags object property which will contain all the tag key/value pairs.

Delete Tags

To delete a tag call the deleteTag function with the name of the tag to delete:

PushNotifications.service.deleteTag( "current_level" );

You can also delete multiple tags simultaneously using the deleteTags function:

PushNotifications.service.deleteTags( [ "name", "current_level" ] );