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Register for notifications

Now that you have authorisation to access push notifications you can register your user's device. Registration involves a call to the server to obtain a registration id or device token. This is initiated by calling the register() function.

The token may change at any time so you should also listen for the CHANGED event and update your server as your application requires.

PushNotifications.service.addEventListener( RegistrationEvent.REGISTERING, registeringHandler );
PushNotifications.service.addEventListener( RegistrationEvent.REGISTER_SUCCESS, registerSuccessHandler );
PushNotifications.service.addEventListener( RegistrationEvent.CHANGED, registrationChangedHandler );
PushNotifications.service.addEventListener( RegistrationEvent.REGISTER_FAILED, registerFailedHandler );
PushNotifications.service.addEventListener( RegistrationEvent.ERROR, errorHandler );

function registeringHandler( event:RegistrationEvent ):void
trace( "Registration started" );

function registerSuccessHandler( event:RegistrationEvent ):void
trace( "Registration succeeded with ID: " + );
var deviceTokenOrRegistrationId:String =;

function registrationChangedHandler( event:RegistrationEvent ):void
trace( "Registration ID has changed: " + );
var deviceTokenOrRegistrationId:String =;

function registerFailedHandler( event:RegistrationEvent ):void
trace( "Registration failed" );

function errorHandler( event:RegistrationEvent ):void
trace( "Registration error: " );

Current Tokens

Once registered you can access the current registration id / device token at any time by using the getDeviceToken() function. This will return the same string as the registration id / device token returned in either the REGISTER_SUCCESS or CHANGED event.

var deviceTokenOrRegistrationId:String = PushNotifications.service.getDeviceToken();

Additionally some services may have a secondary service identifier that the service server returned for this device. For example the OneSignal or Azure identifier. This can be retrieved by using the getServiceToken() function.

var serviceToken:String = PushNotifications.service.getServiceToken();

Depending on the service you are using you may have to use the device token or the service token to send notifications to the device.