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File and Folder Access

Android has placed additional permissions on files outside of your application sandbox and now requires you to request user access to these directories (eg the camera storage on the sdcard: /sdcard/DCIM ).

To gain access to these folders call the openDirectory() method with the required path:

var f:File = new File( "/sdcard/DCIM" );
Permissions.instance.openDirectory( f.nativePath );

This process uses the ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent to allow the user to pick a directory subtree. Once complete your application will be able to fully manage documents within the returned directory. There are some exceptions starting in Android 11 (API 30)

This will display a "browse" dialog for the user to select a directory and grant your application access to this location:

Once complete this will dispatch a PermissionsEvent.OPEN_DIRECTORY event with the selected path.

function ( event:PermissionsEvent ):void
trace( event.path );

Please note the path will likely be an Android content uri and not a file path, for example:
