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You can apply transformations to BitmapData by using the transformAsync function to return BitmapData or the transformAndSaveAsync function to save to a file.

Each of these functions take an instance of the ImageTransform class which specifies the details of the transformation to apply to the image.

The functions will return true if the transformation process was started successfully and false if there was an error either with the state of the extension or with the conversion of the parameters to native.

The transformation will occur on a background thread and once complete will dispatch the ImageEvent.TRANSFORM_COMPLETE event or ImageEvent.TRANSFORM_ERROR if there was an error.


To rotate an image set the rotate property of your transform to be the angle of rotation in degrees:

var transform:ImageTransform = new ImageTransform();
transform.rotate = 90;

Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.TRANSFORM_COMPLETE, completeHandler );
Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.TRANSFORM_ERROR, errorHandler );

Image.service.transformAsync( bitmapData, transform );

function completeHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
// event.bitmapData contains the transformation result

function errorHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
// An error occurred

You can specify any arbitrary angle to rotate the image by. The size of the resulting image will be a bounding box around the rotated image so will most likely be larger than the original image.


To resize an image there are several options to achieve a different sized image.

The resizeMethod specifies the approach the resizing will take to handle dealing with aspect ratios and clipping. It can be one of the following:

  • ImageTransform.RESIZE_NONE: (Default) no resizing will occur
  • ImageTransform.RESIZE_BEST_FIT: best fit the image to inside the specified width and height
  • ImageTransform.RESIZE_FILL_NO_CROP: Uses the width and height as the minimum dimensions and performs no cropping.
  • ImageTransform.RESIZE_FILL: Fill the specified width and height with the image, cropping if necessary.

Along with this method you specify the width and height you require.

For example, to get an exact image sized 150x150 we would use the fill method:

var transform:ImageTransform = new ImageTransform();
transform.resizeMethod = ImageTransform.RESIZE_FILL;
transform.width = 150;
transform.height = 150;

Image.service.transformAsync( bitmapData, transform );

See the ImageTransform class in asdocs for more on these methods.

Transform and Save

In some circumstances you may need to transform an image and save to a file directly, rather than needing the transformed data in your application. Using the transformAndSaveAsync function you will save on the time required to create and return the required bitmap data to AIR and the extension instead will save the result directly to a file on the user's device.

This function takes the same transformation options as the transformAsync function however it additionally takes an output parameter that specifies the location and format of the output file.

For example, to generate a 150x150 thumbnail for an image and save to the application storage:

var transform:ImageTransform = new ImageTransform();
transform.resizeMethod = ImageTransform.RESIZE_FILL;
transform.width = 150;
transform.height = 150;

var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("images/thumbnail.jpg");

var output:ImageOutput = new ImageOutput( file.nativePath );
output.format = ImageFormat.JPG;

Image.service.transformAndSaveAsync( transformImage.bitmapData, transform, output );

Events and Callbacks

You can use the events to process the completion of the transformation.

Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.TRANSFORM_COMPLETE, completeHandler );
Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.TRANSFORM_ERROR, errorHandler );

function completeHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
// event.bitmapData contains the transformation result

function errorHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
// An error occurred

Alternatively, you can use a callback function as a parameter to the transformAsync or transformAndSaveAsync functions.

The callback for transformAsync passes the transformed bitmap data as a parameter to the callback:

Image.service.transformAsync( bitmapData, transform, callback );

function callback( bitmapData:BitmapData ):void
// This will be called when the above transform completes

The callback for transformAndSaveAsync passes the success of the save operation to the callback:

Image.service.transformAndSaveAsync( bitmapData, transform, output, callback );

function callback( success:Boolean ):void
// This will be called when the above transform completes