Decoding ByteArray to BitmapData
This process is the opposite of the encode function. It allows you to decode encoded image data into bitmap data. It is the core functionality used to load a bitmap from file converting the file bytes to bitmap data.
var data:ByteArray = ...; // Encoded data from a file load for example
Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.DECODE_COMPLETE, decodeAsync_completeHandler );
Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.DECODE_ERROR, decodeAsync_errorHandler );
var success:Boolean = Image.service.decodeAsync( data );
When the decode operation completes you will receive either an ImageEvent.DECODE_COMPLETE
event or an ImageEvent.DECODE_ERROR
function decodeAsync_completeHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
trace( "Decode successful" );
// Use the bitmap data
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap( event.bitmapData );
addChild( b );
function decodeAsync_errorHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
trace( "Decode failed: " + event.error );