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Loading BitmapData from File

This process is the reverse of saving bitmap data, where it will load a PNG or JPG file and decode the file into a BitmapData object.

Using the native decoders can increase the speed of loading images in your application, however the difference is much closer here, and sometimes the built in AIR methods can be faster, mainly due to the time taken to move the bitmap across the native - AIR boundary.

Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE, loadBitmapDataAsync_completeHandler );
Image.service.addEventListener( ImageEvent.LOAD_ERROR, loadBitmapDataAsync_errorHandler );

var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("test.png");

var success:Boolean = Image.service.loadBitmapDataAsync( file.nativePath );

When the load operation completes you will receive either an ImageEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE event or an ImageEvent.LOAD_ERROR event:

function loadBitmapDataAsync_completeHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
trace( "Load successful" );

// Use the bitmap data
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap( event.bitmapData );
addChild( b );

function loadBitmapDataAsync_errorHandler( event:ImageEvent ):void
trace( "Load error: " + event.error );