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Device Information

Device functionality allows you to retrieve information about the device.

Device information

There are many pieces of information available through the Device interface that allow you to determine what device you are currently running on, including things like the operating system version and the device model.

  • name : The name of the device, generally this is a user set name for their device, eg My iPhone;
  • brand : The consumer-visible brand with which the product/hardware will be associated, if any, eg Apple;
  • manufacturer : The manufacturer of the product/hardware, eg Apple ;
  • device : The device type, ie. a simple name for the device eg iPhone;
  • model : The end-user-visible name for the end product eg iPhone 11;
  • product : The name of the overall product hardware, eg iPhone12,1;

For example, the following on an iPhone 11

trace( "DEVICE INFO ============================" );
trace( " name: " + );
trace( " brand: " + Application.service.device.brand );
trace( " manufacturer: " + Application.service.device.manufacturer );
trace( " device: " + Application.service.device.device );
trace( " model: " + Application.service.device.model );
trace( " product: " + Application.service.device.product );

will output:

DEVICE INFO ============================
name: My iPhone
brand: Apple
manufacturer: Apple
device: iPhone
model: iPhone 11
product: iPhone12,1


The device locale settings can be retrieved through the locale accessor:

var locale:Locale = Application.service.device.locale

This object contains information about the device locale:

  • The country/region code for this locale, which should either be the empty string, an uppercase ISO 3166 2-letter code, or a UN M.49 3-digit code;
  • locale.language: The language code of this Locale, or the empty string if none is defined


The functionality also includes some access to some system dependant paths, such as the getFilesDir() and getExternalFilesDir() on Android.

trace( "PATHS ==================================" );
trace( "files dir: " + Application.service.device.getFilesDir() );
trace( "ext files dir: " + Application.service.device.getExternalFilesDir() );

The returned values are native paths to common storage locations for Android applications. Generally no additional file permissions are required to read and write to these locations.

Time Zone

You can access information about the current system time zone on the device using the localTimeZone accessor:

var timezone:TimeZone = Application.service.device.localTimeZone;

The TimeZone class represents a time zone offset indicating the standard time policies for a geopolitical region.

Time zones have identifiers like "America/Los_Angeles" which can be accessed through the id property:

var timezoneId:String =;

You can also access the offset from UTC using the utcOffset property. This gives you the amount of time in milliseconds to add to UTC to get standard time in this time zone.

var utcOffset:Number = Application.service.device.localTimeZone.utcOffset;

Automatic Time

You can check whether the user has enabled automatic time / time zone settings on their device using the isAutoTimeEnabled() and the isAutoTimeZoneEnabled().

var autoTime:Boolean = Application.service.device.isAutoTimeEnabled();

This can be useful if you are attempting to check the accuracy of the time on the device (for example, to check if the user is attempting to cheat some time based operations in your game or app).

Available on Android only.

These will return false on all unsupported platforms.

Year Class

Year Class

Phone Number

Phone Number

Operating system

Operating System

Device State

Device State

Device Orientation

Device Orientation