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In general the share dialog is presented as a slide up dialog presenting the available sharing options.

However in some circumstances such as on an iPad, the dialog will appear as a popup dialog and you can guide where this dialog will appear using some of the parameters on the share options.

The options allow you to specify two things:

  • position: The rectangle in view at which to anchor the popover window
  • arrowDirection: the direction the popover is permitted to use

For example if we had a button located at x,y 100,100 of width 200 and height 50, the following will use the best positioning for the dialog and display a small arrow pointing to the button:

var options:ShareOptions = new ShareOptions();
options.position = new Rectangle( 100, 100, 200, 50 );
options.arrowDirection = ShareOptions.ARROWDIRECTION_ANY;

Share.service.share( "Share text", null, "", options );

Or we could limit the dialog to only appear to the left or right of the position by using bitwise-OR to combine the required directions:

var options:ShareOptions = new ShareOptions();
options.position = new Rectangle( 100, 100, 200, 50 );
options.arrowDirection = ShareOptions.ARROWDIRECTION_LEFT | ShareOptions.ARROWDIRECTION_RIGHT;

Share.service.share( "Share text", null, "", options );


If you need to center the dialog you can simply use the center of the screen as the position and supply ARROWDIRECTION_NONE as the arrowDirection.

For example:

var options:ShareOptions = new ShareOptions();
options.position = new Rectangle( stage.stageWidth*0.5, stage.stageHeight * 0.5, 0, 0 );
options.arrowDirection = ShareOptions.ARROWDIRECTION_NONE;

Share.service.share( "Share text", null, "", options );