2025.03.27 [v5.5.2]
fix(unity): correct undefined symbol due to build error
2025.03.26 [v5.5.1]
feat(unity): update unity package release
2024.12.19 [v5.5.0]
## Major update
In this update we have moved the extension to use the newer gradle dependencies process.
### Updates
feat(android): move to gradle dependencies
feat(ios): move to tag session reader to better handle different tech and retrieve tag identifier
feat(android): add reader mode options to disable detection sound
2024.06.24 [v5.3.1]
feat(unity): update unity ios post build scripts to support latest unity release
2023.07.06 [v5.3.0]
feat(unity,android): update core lib to new common location
feat(docs): improve docs for ndef record payload
2023.06.22 [v5.2.0]
feat(ios): add new singleRead option to foreground dispatch mode to close ui after a tag read occurs - makes sure ui doesn't block
fix(android): correct usage of pending intent on recent android versions to include mutable flag
2023.04.26 [v5.1.1]
fix(unity): fix manifest additions for latest android versions
2023.01.27 [v5.1.0]
feat(ios): Xcode 14 update, remove bitcode and add no-objc-msgsend-selector-stubs compiler flag
2022.02.08 [v5.0.94]
Update package and docs for Android 31
Update docs to use apm
2021.10.11 [v5.0.92]
Add air package
2021.06.20 [v5.0.090]
Unity plugin release 1.0
Reader mode
Added restart scanning function
Updated build and improved iOS implementation for iOS 13+ compatibility
2020.03.20 [v4.0.016]
Android X migration (resolves #17)
2020.02.26 [v3.0.014]
Updated documentation
2020.02.26 [v3.0.014]
iOS background scanning and application launching from tags
2019.08.15 [v2.0.002]
Android 64bit support (resolves #13)
2019.04.17 [v1.1.054]
Embedded iOS bitcode
Removed application keys
Added iOS dialog message (resolves #6)
2018.03.22 [v1.0.050]
Release version
2017.11.29 [v1.0.048]
iOS implementation
2017.11.27 [v1.0.038]
Updated documentation
2017.11.21 [v1.0.038]
Updated documentation
2017.11.21 [v1.0.038]
First release