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Overlays - Markers

Markers are pins located at a single location. They can be used to identify places of interest.

A marker is represented by the MapMarker class.

Adding a Marker

To add a marker, create an instance of the MapMarker class and then pass this object to the addMarker function.

var marker:MapMarker = new MapMarker( "demo marker" )
.setPosition( new LatLng( 50, 3 ) );

NativeMaps.service.addMarker( marker );

This will added the marker to the map using the specified options. The marker will appear immediately at the specified position (animating in if selected).

Z Order

You can set the z-index of markers to ensure certain markers remain above others. The z-index specifies the stack order of this marker, relative to other markers on the map. A marker with a high z-index is drawn on top of markers with lower z-indexes. The default z-index value is 0.

To change the z-index simply set the zIndex property of the MapMarker:

var marker:MapMarker = new MapMarker( "demo marker" )
.setPosition( new LatLng( 50, 3 ) )
.setZIndex( 300 );

MapKit iOS 11+

With iOS 11 Apple have introduced some major changes as to how the z ordering of markers occurs.

We can no longer apply a z index to simple "pin" markers, i.e. markers without a custom icon. The z-index of markers without a custom icon will be managed by the internal logic of MapKit. We have however been able to override this behaviour for markers with a custom icon.

Custom Marker Icons

You can use your own imagery for markers, by loading or creating a BitmapData object and creating a CustomMarkerIcon with a unique id. You then pass this icon to the extension through the addCustomMarkerIcon function. Once you have added a custom marker icon to the extenion you can use the unique id to create markers using the custom icon.

For example, firstly create a marker icon from an embedded Marker image asset:

var markerImage:Bitmap = new Marker() as Bitmap;

var markerIcon:CustomMarkerIcon = new CustomMarkerIcon( "UNIQUE_MARKER_ID" )
.setImage( markerImage.bitmapData )

NativeMaps.service.addCustomMarkerIcon( markerIcon );

Then create a marker using this icon:

var marker:MapMarker = new MapMarker()
.setPosition( new LatLng( 50, 3 ) )
.setCustomIconId( "UNIQUE_MARKER_ID" );

NativeMaps.service.addMarker( marker );


You can set the offset to correctly place your icon at the position by specifying the centerOffset point of the CustomMarkerIcon. The centerOffset point is the offset in pixels from the center of the marker image to the position that gets placed at the markers coordinate. Positive offset values move the icon down and to the right, while negative values move it up and to the left.

By default, the center of the marker icon is placed over the coordinate of the marker. i.e. offsets of 0.

So to demonstrate, to use the bottom middle of the image as the anchor point you would set the x offset to be 0 and the y offset to be - imageHeight / 2:

var markerImage:Bitmap = new Marker() as Bitmap;

var markerIcon:CustomMarkerIcon = new CustomMarkerIcon( "MARKER_ID_1" )
.setImage( markerImage.bitmapData )
.setCenterOffset( 0, -markerImage.height * 0.5 );


Touch Events

You can listen for a touch events on markers by listening for the NativeMapEvent.MARKER_TOUCHED event.

NativeMaps.service.addEventListener( NativeMapEvent.MARKER_TOUCHED, marker_touchHandler );

This event will contain the identifier of the marker that was touched, which can be retrieved using the getMarker function. For example:

function marker_touchHandler( event:NativeMapEvent ):void
var selectedMarker:MapMarker = NativeMaps.service.getMarker( event.markerId );

// Change marker as required

NativeMaps.service.updateMarker( selectedMarker );

Drag Events

If you have made a marker draggable (see MapMarker.setDraggable()) then you can listen for the NativeMapEvent.MARKER_DRAG_START and NativeMapEvent.MARKER_DRAG_END events to handle drag start and stop events.

NativeMaps.service.addEventListener( NativeMapEvent.MARKER_DRAG_START, marker_dragStartHandler );
NativeMaps.service.addEventListener( NativeMapEvent.MARKER_DRAG_END, marker_dragEndHandler );

function marker_dragStartHandler( event:NativeMapEvent ):void
trace( "drag start for marker id: " + event.markerId );

function marker_dragEndHandler( event:NativeMapEvent ):void
trace( "drag end for marker id: " + event.markerId );