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Touch Events

There are several events that will be dispatched by the map to indicate the user is interacting with the map.

Touch Events

There are two main touch events, a simple touch, tap or press represented by NativeMapTouchEvent.TOUCH and a long touch or long press represented by NativeMapTouchEvent.TOUCH_LONG.

These events will have an associated location attached to them, indicating the geographic location on the map that the user has touched.

The event will contain the location as a LatLng instance.

NativeMaps.service.addEventListener( NativeMapTouchEvent.TOUCH, nativeMaps_touchHandler );
NativeMaps.service.addEventListener( NativeMapTouchEvent.TOUCH_LONG, nativeMaps_touchHandler );


private function nativeMaps_touchHandler( event:NativeMapTouchEvent ):void
trace( event.type );
trace( event.location.toString() );

Drag Events

Drag events are dispatched whenever the map is moved by the user. This can be done by either using one or two fingers and as such doesn't have a specific location attached to it and location will be null.

NativeMaps.service.addEventListener( NativeMapTouchEvent.DRAG_START, nativeMaps_dragHandler );
NativeMaps.service.addEventListener( NativeMapTouchEvent.DRAG_END, nativeMaps_dragHandler );


private function nativeMaps_dragHandler( event:NativeMapTouchEvent ):void
trace( event.type );