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ironSource no longer provide the offerwall functionality. Since they acquired Tapjoy they are now directing developers to use Tapjoy's offerwall.

The following documentation is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.

The offerwall is an in-app advertising unit that app developers use to monetize their apps. It acts like a mini-store in an app, listing multiple “offers” that users can complete in exchange for receiving an in-app reward. For example, users can receive extra in-app coins if they choose to register a username, get to level 25 on a game, make an in-app purchase, and more on the offerwall.


You can check whether the offerwall is currently available at any time by checking the isOfferwallAvailable() method:

if (IronSource.instance.isOfferwallAvailable())
// Offerwall is available

You can also listen for the OfferwallEvent.AVAILABLE to respond to changes in the availability of the offerwall.

IronSource.instance.addEventListener( OfferwallEvent.AVAILABLE, offerwallAvailabilityHandler );

function offerwallAvailabilityHandler( event:OfferwallEvent ):void
// Offerwall availability has changed

if (IronSource.instance.isOfferwallAvailable())
// Offerwall is available

Present the Offerwall

Once the Offerwall is available you can call showOfferwall() to present the offerwall to your user (typically done after a user clicks on some in-app button).


You should always check if the offerwall is available before showing and react accordingly:

if (IronSource.instance.isOfferwallAvailable())
// Inform user feature not available currently

There are several events associated with the display of the offerwall:

  • OfferwallEvent.OPENED: Dispatched when the Offerwall is opened;
  • OfferwallEvent.CLOSED: Dispatched when the Offerwall is closed;
  • OfferwallEvent.SHOW_FAILED: Dispatched if the Offerwall failed to show;
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( OfferwallEvent.OPENED, openedHandler );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( OfferwallEvent.CLOSED, closedHandler );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( OfferwallEvent.SHOW_FAILED, errorHandler );

if (IronSource.instance.isOfferwallAvailable())

function openedHandler( event:OfferwallEvent ):void
// Offerwall opened

function closedHandler( event:OfferwallEvent ):void
// Offerwall closed

function errorHandler( event:OfferwallEvent ):void
// Check event details for error information

Reward the User

There are 2 methods of rewarding your user, using:

  • Client side callbacks;
  • Server side callbacks;

Client side

Proactive polling

You can poll at any time to retrieve the user's total credits and any new credits.

To do this call the getOfferwallCredits() function and await the following events:

  • OfferwallEvent.AD_CREDITED: Dispatched when the call completes successfully, the event will contain the current user credits;
  • OfferwallEvent.GETOFFERWALLCREDITS_FAILED: Dispatched if there was an error retrieving the user's credits;
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( OfferwallEvent.AD_CREDITED, adCreditedHandler );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( OfferwallEvent.GETOFFERWALLCREDITS_FAILED, errorHandler );


function adCreditedHandler( event:OfferwallEvent ):void
trace( " credits=" + event.credits );
trace( " totalCredits=" + event.totalCredits );
trace( " totalCreditsFlag=" + event.totalCreditsFlag );

function errorHandler( event:OfferwallEvent ):void
// Check event details for error information

The details retrieved in the event are:

  • credits : The number of credits the user has earned since the last OfferwallEvent.AD_CREDITED event. Note that the credits may represent multiple completions;
  • totalCredits : The total number of credits ever earned by the user;
  • totalCreditsFlag : In some cases, we won’t be able to provide the exact amount of credits since the last event (specifically if the user clears the app’s data). In this case the credits will be equal to the totalCredits, and this flag will be true;

Automatic Events

You can also enable automatic client side events by calling setIronSourceClientSideCallbacks( true ) before you initialise the IronSource SDK.

Setting automatic client-side callbacks will make sure that you’re notified about the user’s credit status at specific points in the Offerwall’s lifecycle.


IronSource.instance.init( ... );

Important! This code MUST be implemented before calling the init.

Using this method the OfferwallEvent.AD_CREDITED will be dispatched automatically as part of the offerwall lifecycle.

Server side

See the ironSource documentation for details on server side callbacks and rewarding users.

If you turn on server-to-server callbacks in addition to the client-side callbacks, remember not to reward the user more than once for the same completion. ironSource will fire both the client-side callback and the server-to-server callback. You will get two notifications for each completion.


See the complete description of the ironSource errors here.