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An interstitial ad is a full-screen static, video or interactive (playable) ad unit that offers users the option to exit and skip. They engage users with rich content at natural pauses in the app’s flow, ensuring minimum disruption to user experience while maximizing user engagement and revenue.

Load Interstitial


This will dispatch one of two events when complete:

  • InterstitialAdEvent.READY: If the interstitial was loaded and is now ready to display;
  • InterstitialAdEvent.FAILED: if there was an error loading the advert;
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.READY, onInterstitialAdReady );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.FAILED, onInterstitialAdLoadFailed );


function onInterstitialAdReady( event:DataEvent ):void
trace( "onInterstitialAdReady" );

function onInterstitialAdLoadFailed( event:DataEvent ):void
trace( "onInterstitialAdLoadFailed" );

Check State Of Interstitial

You can use the isInterstitialReady() flag to determine if an interstitial is loaded and ready to display.

if (IronSource.instance.isInterstitialReady())
// Interstitial is loaded and ready to display

Show Interstitial

When you are ready to show your interstitial simply call showInterstitial():


Displaying an interstitial will dispatch several events:

  • InterstitialAdEvent.OPENED: The interstitial was opened and is visible to the user;
  • InterstitialAdEvent.CLOSED: The ad was closed by the user;
  • InterstitialAdEvent.SHOW_SUCCEEDED: The interstitial was shown and is visible to the user;
  • InterstitialAdEvent.SHOW_FAILED: There was an error showing the interstitial;
  • InterstitialAdEvent.CLICKED: If the user clicked on the advert;

For example:

IronSource.instance.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.OPENED, onInterstitialAdOpened );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.CLOSED, onInterstitialAdClosed );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.SHOW_SUCCEEDED, onInterstitialAdShowSucceeded );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.SHOW_FAILED, onInterstitialAdShowFailed );
IronSource.instance.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.CLICKED, onInterstitialAdClicked );

if (IronSource.instance.isInterstitialReady())

function onInterstitialAdOpened( event:DataEvent ):void
trace( "onInterstitialAdOpened" );

function onInterstitialAdClosed( event:DataEvent ):void
trace( "onInterstitialAdClosed" );

function onInterstitialAdShowFailed( event:DataEvent ):void
trace( "onInterstitialAdShowFailed" );

function onInterstitialAdClicked( event:DataEvent ):void
trace( "onInterstitialAdClicked" );

function onInterstitialAdShowSucceeded( event:DataEvent ):void
trace( "onInterstitialAdShowSucceeded" );


See the complete description of the ironSource errors here.