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Sending Hits and Events

Sending a Screen View Hit

A 'Hit' is a single message or notification that you wish to be logged in Google Analytics. Hit's are constructed by using a 'Builder'. Builders are used for all Analytics tracking to be able to easily construct the correct parameters for a particular hit. There is a builder for each hit type available.

Screens in Google Analytics represent content users are viewing within your app. The equivalent concept in web analytics is a pageview. Measuring screen views allows you to see which content is being viewed most by your users, and how they are navigating between different pieces of content.

A screen view consists of a single string field that will be used as the screen name in your Google Analytics reports. To send a screen view, you must set the current screen name on your tracker and then use the ScreenViewBuilder to build the screen view hit, as below:

var tracker:Tracker = GoogleAnalytics.service.getTracker( "YOUR_TRACKING_ID" );

// Sets the screen name. This will be sent with any subsequent events / views on this tracker
tracker.setScreenName( "currentScreenName" );

tracker.send( new ScreenViewBuilder().build() );

Sending an Event

Events are a useful way to collect data about a user's interaction with interactive components of your app, like button presses or the use of a particular item in a game. An event consists of four fields that you can use to describe a user's interaction with your app content, a 'category', an 'action', a 'label' and a numeric 'value'. The 'category' and 'action' are required.

var tracker:Tracker = GoogleAnalytics.service.getTracker( "YOUR_TRACKING_ID" );

new EventBuilder()
.setCategory( "user" )
.setAction( "signIn" )
.setValue( 123 )
.build() );