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Install Referrer

You can use the install referrer to see which campaigns, websites, and other apps are referring users to Google Play Store to download your app.

The install referrer is a string passed to your application indicating the referal source your application was installed through.

This is supported on Android only.

Manifest additions

If you require access to the install referrer string then firstly make sure you have added the correct manifest additions, in particular the install referrer receiver:

<receiver android:name="com.distriqt.extension.googleanalytics.InstallReferrerReceiver">
<action android:name="" />

Check the following for more details: Add the Extension

Referrer string

Once installed you can access the referrer at any time using the getInstallReferrer() method.

var referrer:String = GoogleAnalytics.service.getInstallReferrer();

The referrer may be updated after you start your application if the referral intent is dispatched after your application starts up. In order to handle this situation you should also add a listener for the InstallReferrerEvent.UPDATED event.

GoogleAnalytics.service.addEventListener( InstallReferrerEvent.UPDATED, referrerUpdatedHandler );

Then in your handler:

private function referrerUpdatedHandler( event:InstallReferrerEvent ):void 
trace( event.referrer );


You can use the following adb commands to test the referrer, just make sure to replace with the package of your application.

adb shell
am broadcast -a -n --es "referrer" "utm_source=test_source\&amp;utm_medium=test_medium\&amp;utm_term=test_term\&amp;utm_content=test_content\&amp;utm_campaign=test_name"

Running this command will broadcast the INSTALL_REFERRER intent which will update the referrer in your application. You can edit the string at the end as you wish to try different referrer strings.