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Sign In

The following code demonstrates how to initiate a player sign in. You should perform the sign in action on some user input (button) in your game. The process is fairly straight forward, you call signIn and await the GameServicesEvent.SIGN_IN_SUCCESS or GameServicesEvent.SIGN_IN_FAILED events.

GameServices.service.addEventListener( GameServicesEvent.SIGN_IN_SUCCESS,   signInSuccessHandler );
GameServices.service.addEventListener( GameServicesEvent.SIGN_IN_FAILED, signInFailedHandler );

if (!GameServices.service.isSignedIn())

Then await the events:

function signInSuccessHandler( event:GameServicesEvent ):void
var player:Player = GameServices.service.getPlayer();
if (player != null)
trace( "player :: "+ "[""]" +player.displayName + "(" + player.alias + ")" );

// If you are using multiplayer functionality then this
// is the best time to register for notifications from
// multiplayer game invitations and match updates.

function signInFailedHandler( event:GameServicesEvent ):void
// Handle the error

Sign Out

You can sign out a user by calling the signOut() function.


When a user is signed out the extension will dispatch the GameServicesEvent.SIGN_OUT_SUCCESS event.

GameServices.service.addEventListener( GameServicesEvent.SIGN_OUT_SUCCESS,  gameServices_signOutSuccessHandler );

function gameServices_signOutSuccessHandler( event:GameServicesEvent ):void
// User signed out

There are also UI driven methods provided for the user to sign out, for example, the leaderboard UI provides the facility for a user to log out. When this occurs you will similarly receive the GameServicesEvent.SIGN_OUT_SUCCESS event.

It is very important that you handle these GameServicesEvent.SIGN_OUT_SUCCESS events to update your UI accordingly.

Once a user has signed out, isSignedIn() will return false and all user functionality will fail.


Not all services support signing out programmatically. Google Play Games v2 doesn't support it and user's are suppose to manage this through the Games application.


It is a requirement for most services that you provide a facility for a user to revoke or disconnect their account from your game. This means that if the player logs in at a later point, they will be required to authorise your application again for any additional permissions your application requests.

To disconnect your user, call the disconnect() function.

if (GameServices.service.isSignedIn())

This process will also trigger the GameServicesEvent.SIGN_OUT_SUCCESS event indicating that the current user was signed out.

Some services may not support this functionality and will return false (eg Game Center, Google Play Games v2), you may wish to attempt to sign out users on these platforms instead. For example:

if (GameServices.service.isSignedIn())
if (!GameServices.service.disconnect())

Player Information

Once signed in you will be able to retrieve information about the player using the loadPlayer() function. This will load information into a Player object to give you information about the player such as alias, displayName and a player identifier (ID).

GameServices.service.addEventListener( PlayerEvent.LOADED, loadPlayer_loadedHandler );
GameServices.service.addEventListener( PlayerEvent.ERROR, loadPlayer_errorHandler );

function loadPlayer_loadedHandler( event:PlayerEvent ):void
var player:Player = event.player;

trace( "player :: "+ "[""]" +player.displayName + "(" + player.alias + ")" );

function loadPlayer_errorHandler( event:PlayerEvent ):void
trace( "loadPlayer_errorHandler(): " + event.error );

The getPlayer() function has been deprecated as the process to retrieve player information is now asynchronous. Using getPlayer() will only return the previously retrieved information and may be out of date or null. Calling it will trigger a load of the player information so it will become available shortly after.

var player:Player = GameServices.service.getPlayer();


There are several identifiers that can be used to identify a player.

The simplest is the id field on the Player object. This identifier will be unique for a player for your game and will likely not represent the same player in another game. If you only need to identify users within your application then this is the best identifier to use.

If you need to identify players across multiple games that you develop you will need to use the teamPlayerId. Services that support team identifiers will return an identifier that will be consistent across all games provided through your developer account (on iOS this mean using the same developer Team ID).


Versions prior to 8.4 used a now deprecated "playerId" value for the id field. If you need to compare identifiers from the legacy implementation you can use the playerId field. This value will be equivalent to the id field in versions 8.3 and earlier.


The Player also contains image and icon / avatar urls, however as they may be represented as content providers on Android we don't suggest you attempt to access them directly instead use the loadPlayerIcon() function:

GameServices.service.addEventListener( PlayerIconEvent.LOADED, playerIconLoadedHandler );
GameServices.service.addEventListener( PlayerIconEvent.ERROR, playerIconErrorHandler );

GameServices.service.loadPlayerIcon( player );

function playerIconLoadedHandler( event:PlayerIconEvent ):void
// event.icon will contain the BitmapData of the player's icon

// Starling example
var texture:Texture = Texture.fromBitmapData( event.icon );

private function playerIconErrorHandler( event:PlayerIconEvent ):void
trace( "Error: " event.error );



We highly recommend utilising the Google Identity ANE for advanced sign-in options. It is much more complete, providing additional controls over the sign in process and user authentication options. If you are looking for additional scopes and permissions please utilise that ANE.

With Google Play Games if you require advanced user information such as requesting additional scopes you firstly setup the ANE with the GoogleIdentityOptions.DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN option:

var options:GoogleIdentityOptions = new GoogleIdentityOptionsBuilder( GoogleIdentityOptions.DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN )
.setIOSClientID( Config.googlePlayClientID )
.addScope( "additional/required/scope" )

GoogleIdentity.service.setup( options );

Then use the Google Identity sign in call instead of the Game Services:

GoogleIdentity.service.addEventListener( GoogleIdentityEvent.SIGN_IN, signInHandler );


function signInHandler( event:GoogleIdentityEvent ):void
// Sign in complete

Once complete the GameServices.service.isSignedIn() will correctly return the status as though the Game Services ANE was used directly.