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DynamicLinks - Initialise

Setting Scheme

On iOS you must set the deepLinkURLScheme in the extension to correctly handle opened links on versions of iOS that use custom url scheme.

This is the same url scheme (APP_SCHEME) that you added to the info additions previously when adding the extension

The easiest way to do this is set as below, before calling initialiseApp():

Firebase.service.deepLinkURLScheme = "APP_SCHEME";

If you are passing your own FirebaseOptions to initialiseApp you can specify the scheme as part of the options:

var options:FirebaseOptions = new FirebaseOptions();
// Other options
options.deepLinkURLScheme = "APP_SCHEME";

Firebase.service.initialiseApp( options );

Note: You cannot use these two methods together


To match the example scheme added in the iOS info additions example:

Firebase.service.deepLinkURLScheme = "distriqt";