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Crashlytics - Testing

Test your Firebase Crashlytics implementation

Force a crash to test your implementation

You don't have to wait for a crash to know that Crashlytics is working. You can call forceCrash() to force a crash:


When testing, reopen your app after calling the forceCrash method to make sure Crashlytics has a chance to report the crash. The report should appear in the Firebase console within five minutes.

Enable Crashlytics debug logging

If your forced crash didn't crash, crashed before you wanted it to, or you're experiencing some other issue with Crashlytics, you can enable Crashlytics debug logging to track down the problem.

Enabling debug mode will result in more logs being output to the logs which you can access via this tutorial:



To enable debug logging on your development device, set an adb shell flag before running your app:

adb shell setprop log.tag.FirebaseCrashlytics DEBUG

adb is a command line tool available in the AIR SDK


With iOS you have to launch your application with a specific flag. This is not possible using AIR SDK, however using the libimobiledevice tools it is possible to launch an application on your device with this flag.

Firstly you will need to install these tools.

You can access installers in various locations but we suggest using homebrew:

brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
brew install --HEAD ideviceinstaller

We found you have to use the HEAD version to get it to work currently

Then to launch the application with the debugging FIRDebugEnabled flag:

idevicedebug run "com.distriqt.test" "-FIRDebugEnabled"