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App Events - Logging


This is the legacy extension documentation. Find the new documentation here

Log Events

App events are the key actions that people take, such as launching your app, viewing content or making a purchase.

You can log app events for any meaningful actions people take in your app. There are many pre-defined events such as completed registration, viewed content, searched, added to cart, spent credits and more.

Analytics for Apps supports up to 1,000 unique app events for your app, so you can also define your own custom events.

Application activate and deactivate events are automatically handled by the extension.

App Events

To log an app event you create an instance of the FacebookAppEvent class and pass it to the FacebookAPI.service.appEvents.logEvent() function:

var event:FacebookAppEvent = new FacebookAppEvent( AppEventsConstants.EVENT_NAME_ADDED_TO_CART );
event.valueToSum = 54.23;

event.setParameter( AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_CURRENCY, "USD" );
event.setParameter( AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_TYPE, "product" );
event.setParameter( AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_CONTENT_ID, "HDFU-8452" );

FacebookAPI.service.appEvents.logEvent( event );

The AppEventConstants class defines the current constants for event names and parameters for the standard set of Facebook events.

You can also specify a set of parameters (up to 25 parameters) and a valueToSum property which is an arbitrary number that can represent any value (e.g., a price or a quantity). When reported, all of the valueToSum properties will be summed together. For example, if 10 people each purchased one item that cost $10 (and passed in valueToSum) then they would be summed to report a number of $100.

The parameters are set in the parameters object event.parameters or using the event.setParameter() function. The must be String or Number values.

Note that both the valueToSum and parameters arguments are optional.

The full list of pre-defined events and pre-defined parameters are listed in the AppEventConstants class or in the Facebook documentation.

Custom App Events

You can also choose to create your own custom events, which is done simply by specifying their name as a string:

var event:FacebookAppEvent = new FacebookAppEvent( "a_custom_event_name" );

FacebookAPI.service.appEvents.logEvent( event );

The maximum number of different event names is 1,000. Note no new event types will be logged once this cap is hit. However it is possible to deactivate obsolete events.

Read more about event limits in the FAQ.

Purchase Events

You can log purchase events using the logPurchase function.

var event:FacebookAppPurchaseEvent = new FacebookAppPurchaseEvent( 

FacebookAPI.service.appEvents.logPurchase( event );

The currency specification is expected to be an ISO 4217 currency code. This is used to determine a uniform value for use in ads optimization.