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2020.05.08 [v7.1.193]
Updated SDK
- iOS v5.15.1

Removed discontinued AccountKit (
- contained UIWebView usages (resolves #266)
2020.03.26 [v7.0.187]
Corrected issue with make request events not dispatching (#260)
2020.03.23 [v7.0.186]
Android X migration (resolves #259)
Updated SDK
- iOS: v5.9.0
- Android: v6.1.0 (resolves #258, resolves #249, #235)
Added functionality to handle batch requests (resolves #257)

2019.11.22 [v6.1.173]
Updated SDK (resolves #252, resolves #234, #249)
- iOS: v5.9.0
- Android: v5.9.0
2019.07.31 [v6.0.168]
Android 64bit support (resolves #238)
Updated SDK (resolves #236)
- iOS: v5.3.0
- Android: v5.2.0
Added ability to disable / enable automatic logging (resolves #215)
2019.03.12 [v5.8.144]
Embedded iOS bitcode
2019.02.23 [v5.8.143]
Updated SDK 
- iOS: v4.40.0 - January 22, 2019
- Android: v4.40.0 - January 22, 2019
- resolves #226
2018.11.02 [v5.7.138]
Updated SDK 
- iOS: v4.38.0 - October 23, 2018
- Android: v4.38.1 - November 1, 2018
2018.08.31 [v5.6.131]
Improved performance of logEvent and logPurchase calls (resolves #203)
2018.07.23 [v5.6.126]
Updated SDK 
- iOS: v4.34.0 - June 18, 2018
- Android: v4.34.0 - June 18, 2018
(resolves #199, #197, #194, #189, #188)
2018.04.28 [v5.5.122]
Added ability to add int/Number typed parameters to a GraphAPIRequest (resolves #193)
2018.03.30 [v5.5.120]
Corrected graph requests on iOS made with a different access token
2018.03.26 [v5.5.118]
Updated docs
2018.03.26 [v5.5.118]
Account Kit dependencies correction (#188)
2018.03.13 [v5.5.088]
Updated SDK 
- iOS: v4.30.0 - January 24, 2018
- Android: v4.30.0 - January 24, 2018
Added Share Open Graph Stories (resolves #162)
Corrected canShow share dialog flags (resolves #173)
Added additional LoginBehaviour options
Added the ShareAPI for dialog free sharing
2017.09.08 [v5.4.015]
Updated to the latest SDK (v4.26.0 - August 24, 2017)
Corrected missing classes from default lib (resolves #172)
2017.07.12 [v5.3.005]
Updated to the latest SDK (v4.24.0 - June 26, 2017)
2017.07.10 [v5.2.006]
Updated for compatibility with new Core library (for Notifications/PushNotifications fix)
2017.05.31 [v5.2.002]
Updated to the latest SDK (v4.23.0 - May 25, 2017) (#155,#156,#160)
Fixes issue with unsupported language in App Store Review process (resolves #157)
2017.04.28 [v5.1.114]
Added user properties for AppEvents / Analytics
2017.04.02 [v5.0.112]
Release v5.0 (resolves #149)
Account Kit Implementation (resolves #129)
Added System Account Login Behaviour (resolves #108)
Android: Resolved NPE (resolves #144)
Added missing functions for platforms (resolves #127)
Deferred deep linking (resolves #48)
Game request filters (resolves #74)
Graph API implementation (resolves #136)
New login process (resolves #144, resolves #138, resolves #133, resolves #125, resolves #116, resolves #144, resolves #113, resolves #111, resolves #109, resolves #108, resolves #75)
New share dialogs (resolves #145, resolves #146, resolves #134, resolves #132, resolves #130, resolves #122, resolves #120, resolves #117, resolves #112, resolves #74, resolves #32)
App Links (resolves #128, resolves #48)
2017.01.16 [v4.1.011]
Updated Android Facebook SDK, new documentation
2017.01.05 [v4.1.001]
Update to fix some errors with share dialogs
2016.09.07 [v4.0.001]
Updated documentation
2016.09.07 [v4.0.001]
Updated documentation
2016.08.18 [v4.0.001]
Update to latest version, resolving issues with login behaviours and restoring sessions etc
iOS: Made some changes to help automatically restore a session. After calling 'initialiseApp', you should receive a SESSION_INFO event if a previous session was found (resolves #28)

Fixed an issue to correctly return the postId of a share post (resolves #57)

Fixed a bug which would not always populate the 'data' parameter of a Game Request object (resolves #65)

Android: Fixed a bug which could cause a crash depending on the result of a graph request call (resolves #89)

Fixed a bug where the recipientIds for a game request were not always correctly returned (resolves #93)

Fixed a bug where the properties for a share dialog would not be passed through successfully in some cases depending on the preferred dialog type (resolves #95)
Added missing call to initialiseApp() in example code
Updated to FacebookSDK v4.7.0 for iOS to support iOS9 changes; Added a new basic example application and descriptor; Added initial implementation of deferred app-link handling for testing
Corrected a bug on Android which could prevent graph requests which contained field parameters from working correctly
Updated FacebookSDK to latest version, 5.4.1
Made changelog publicly available
Made changelog publicly available
Updated to support latest version of Facebook's SDK (4.2+)
Updated iOS Facebook SDK version and added capability to issue app install events without a session being required
Fixed system account login bug for iOS native login
iOS: Included arm64 support
Re-added support for missing methods - logEvent, logPurchase etc
Updated with new base key check etc
New application based key check, removing server checks
iOS: Implemented autoreleasepools for all C function calls
Both platforms now support the V2 SDK Message dialog (basic share)
First version of FacebookAPI V2 added to new repo