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Parameters-White Balance

White Balance

The white balance modes can be controlled using this extension.

The available white balance modes are defined in the CameraParameters class:

  • CameraParameters.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE_LOCKED: The white balance setting is locked
  • CameraParameters.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE_AUTO: The device performs an auto white balance operation now
  • CameraParameters.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE_CONTINUOUS: The device continuously monitors white balance and adjusts when necessary


White balance modes aren't available on all devices so it's important that you check whether the device supports the mode before attempting to set it.

if (device.isWhiteBalanceSupported( CameraParameters.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE_CONTINUOUS ))
// Continuous exposure mode is supported

Changing Modes

To set the white balance mode simply call setWhiteBalanceMode with the required mode

if (device.isWhiteBalanceSupported( CameraParameters.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE_CONTINUOUS ))
device.setWhiteBalanceMode( CameraParameters.WHITE_BALANCE_MODE_CONTINUOUS );