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2024.09.19 [v7.3.1]

fix(android): fix ANR with a display information call

2024.07.25 [v7.3.0]

feat(ios): add isiOSAppOnMac flag to check if ios app is running on macos (resolves
feat(unity): basic unity plugin only supporting the uniqueId method
feat(ios): add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy to specify API access privacy requirements

2023.11.02 [v7.1.0]

feat(android): update activity lifecycle listener to new android implementation
feat(ios): update database for new iphone 15 models (resolves #280)

2023.09.26 [v7.0.3]

fix(android): handle null activity case when updating visibility state (resolves #278)

2023.07.31 [v7.0.2]

feat(ios): update device database for latest ipad and iphone device details (resolves #276)
feat(ios): add retrieval of device name and model for ios simulators (resolves #259)

2023.06.22 [v7.0.0]

feat(accessibility): add guided mode detection (resolves #273)
feat(android): air background thread handling (resolves #274)

2023.01.13 [v6.12.0]

feat(ios): Xcode 14 update, remove bitcode and add no-objc-msgsend-selector-stubs compiler flag 
feat(android): Add ability to check for availability of the request auto start permission (resolves #240)
feat(android): Move to new permissions request process

2022.09.09 [v6.11.0]

fix(alarms): Android 12+ alarms require additional permissions, this adds checks for the permission and error event if missing (resolves #255)

2022.09.05 [v6.10.0]

feat(display): add ability to retrieve bounding rectangle dimensions for screen cutouts/notches (resolves #241) 

2022.06.23 [v6.9.2]

feat(defaults): add ability to use shared preferences on android to access gdpr values
feat(defaults): add docs for changing shared preferences approach
feat(device): add ability to retrieve unique id through the appset play services library
fix(ios): update device database to add iPad12,1,2 ipad models (resolves #248)
fix(ios): update device database to add iPad13,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 (iPad Pro 2021) iPad13,16,17 (iPad AIR 2022) iPhone14,6 (SE 3rd) (resolves #248)

2022.03.15 [v6.8.5]

Android: Update to make compatible with latest androidx.core lifecycle library 

2022.01.28 [v6.8.4]

Update for Android 31 exported attribute requirement
Add docs for apm usage

2022.01.18 [v6.8.3]

Update android startup receiver to use new AIR app entry activity name (resolves #234)

2021.12.21 [v6.8.2]

Add minimise function for Android (resolves #231)

2021.09.02 [v6.8.1]

Added air package
Android: Removed logging output from wasAutoStarted function (resolves #224)
Android: Added new method for auto start on Android 30 (including new permission access) (resolves #222)
Android: Corrected behaviour of status bar light / dark on Android 30 (resolves #225)
Android: Security flags on activities (resolves #214)
Corrected documentation on DefaultsEvent.CHANGED event on iOS (resolves #212)

2021.08.05 [v6.7.7]

Corrected tvOS implementation (issue with set brightness integration)

2021.07.01 [v6.7.4]

Added screen brightness implementation

2021.06.09 [v6.6.003]

Updated ios device definitions and clarified documentation for year class and device information (resolves #218)

2021.03.22 [v6.5.056]

Added better alarm handling when app active

2021.03.16 [v6.5.051]

Removed ios_version_min

2020.12.11 [v6.5.049]

Updated docs

2020.12.11 [v6.5.049]

Updated docs

2020.12.11 [v6.5.049]

Android: Added ability to show keyboard manually (resolves #206)
Android: Added ability to retrieve the automatic time and time zone (resolves #207)

2020.09.11 [v6.4.021]

Added Android x64 support (resolves #201)

2020.09.08 [v6.3.019]

Added changed event to default fallback implementation (resolves #198)

2020.08.12 [v6.3.017]

Updated iOS device definitions with new 2020 iPads and iPhone SE (resolves #196)

2020.07.23 [v6.3.015]

Android: Added access to getExternalFilesDir important for external storage on API 29

2020.06.09 [v6.2.010]

Updated iOS device list with recent devices

2020.04.15 [v6.1.008]

iOS: Added nativeScale for detecting zoomed state (resolves #116)

2020.03.26 [v6.0.006]

Updated documentation

2020.03.24 [v6.0.006]

Android X migration (resolves #177)

2020.03.12 [v5.1.469]

iOS: Corrected issue with status bar and dark mode on iOS 13 (resolves #176)

2019.11.22 [v5.1.465]

Updated docs

2019.11.22 [v5.1.465]

Dark Mode detection - retrieve user interface style 
Android: Additional checks for display related crash (#165)

2019.11.02 [v5.0.453]

iOS: Updated device database to support latest iPhone devices (resolves #166)

2019.10.03 [v5.0.452]

Updated docs

2019.10.02 [v5.0.452]

Android: Fix for keyboard info on some devices running Android 4.3
Android: Resolved keyboard monitor crash (resolves #158)

2019.09.06 [v5.0.439]

Updated docs

2019.09.06 [v5.0.439]

Android 64bit support (resolves #149)

Added information about display cutouts (notches) (resolves #138, resolves #120)

Added Keyboard information
- heights (resolves #11)
- activation events (resolves #74)

Android: Added helper for back button issue with android target sdk 28+ (resolves #153)
Android: Fixed issue with black screen helper (resolves #130)
Android: Added function to determine if app was auto launched (resolves #23)
Android: Added ability to set navigation bar colour + style
Android: Added ability to control system ui visibility flags (resolves #150)
iOS: Updated iOS device list
Updated minimum iOS version to 9.0

2019.03.17 [v4.7.182]

Updated documentation on auto start and alarm manager

2019.03.12 [v4.7.180]

Updated minimum iOS version to 8.0 (resolves #137)
Updated Status Bar styles and added Android support (resolves #136)

2019.02.18 [v4.6.173]

Added time zone information (resolves #131)

2019.02.11 [v4.5.167]

Added Locale information
Embedded bitcode

2018.10.20 [v4.4.159]

iOS: Updated device definitions for latest Apple iPhone devices (resolves #123

2018.08.09 [v4.4.150]

Added yearClass device information for performance decisions (resolves #115)
Updated iOS device information database

2018.06.29 [v4.3.141]

Android: Removed initial dispatch of foreground application state event (resolves #110)

2018.06.26 [v4.3.139]

Android: Added checks around system ui visibility changes (#109)

2018.06.20 [v4.3.138]

Android: Fixed crash with lifecycle listener (resolves #108)

2018.06.20 [v4.3.137]

Updated example to show authorisation

2018.04.04 [v4.3.130]

Additional state checks to avoid Android crashes (#103)

2018.03.12 [v4.3.122]

Added Power Save mode detection and idle mode on Android (resolves #96)

2018.03.11 [v4.3.110]

Added Apple tvOS implementation 
Added better ApplicationStateEvents for application foreground / background rather than activate / deactivate (resolves #94)

2018.03.03 [v4.2.058]

Corrected return values for device display metrics on latest iOS devices

2017.11.15 [v4.2.054]

Fixed issue with defaults setString and getString

2017.11.10 [v4.2.052]

Fixed issue with default values of settings on Android (resolves #89)

2017.09.22 [v4.2.049]

iOS 7 crash on launch fix

2017.08.17 [v4.1.041]

Updated missing functionality from default lib

2017.08.11 [v4.0.038]

Added Keychain iOS implementation (resolves #75)
Added Settings implementation (resolves #76)
Updated iOS model names to better represent actual devices (resolves #77)

2017.07.10 [v3.4.006]

Updated for compatibility with new Core library (for Notifications/PushNotifications fix)

2017.04.28 [v3.4.004]

Fixed lockstate rejection issue (resolves #68)

2017.04.03 [v3.3.009]

Updated documentation

2017.04.03 [v3.3.009]

Added ability to add AIR bitmap overlay (resolves #67)
Added Accessibility options to get access to the voice over state
Android: Added the blackScreenHelper function

2016.12.22 [v3.2.007]

Updating documentation

2016.12.22 [v3.2.007]

Updating documentation

2016.12.15 [v3.2.007]

Added Defaults getObject to read dictionary values (#55)
Added Device Orientation Events to get orientation changes irrespective of UI lock

2016.12.09 [v3.1.013]

Added display metrics for accurate dpi (resolves #57)
Android: Fix for black screen on lock screen (resolves #53)

2016.11.23 [v3.0.031]

Added alarm manager cancel all and cancel by id (#52)

2016.11.22 [v3.0.029]

Added the cancelAlarm functionality (resolves #52)

2016.10.24 [v3.0.024]

Corrected default implementation (#47)

2016.10.24 [v3.0.023]

Added getStatusBarHeight to default implementation (resolves #47)

2016.10.22 [v3.0.022]

Added getFilesDir for lookup of system directory (resolves #46)

2016.09.30 [v3.0.020]

Android: Alarm will now attempt to unlock device, or run in front of lock screen (resolves #44)

2016.09.28 [v3.0.019]

Added wiki documentation

2016.09.28 [v3.0.019]

Added wiki documentation

2016.09.28 [v3.0.019]

Added wiki documentation

2016.09.28 [v3.0.019]

Added wiki documentation

2016.08.25 [v3.0.019]

iOS: Corrected persistent device id (resolves #39)

2016.08.24 [v3.0.016]

Android: Added access to the AlarmManager to set device alarms
Added getStatusBarHeight function (resolves #37)
iOS: Corrected persistent id to not restore on different devices (resolves #38)


Updated Core library compatibility


Android: Added ability to set the alpha of the status bar (resolves #36)
Android: Added new display mode to work with semi-transparent status bar


Android: Changed os.version to be the version string (6.0.1) and added the api_level field (resolves #31)


Expanded defaults implementation to use SharedPreferences on Android and SharedObject on unsupported platforms (resolves #30)


Android: Added IMMERSIVE display mode (resolves #28)


Corrected setStatusBarColour and device properties on Android 6.0 (resolves #25)


Added access to the device phone number on Android (resolves #21)


iOS: Added persistent ID storage in the Keychain (resolves #19)


Fixed issue with ACTIVATE / DEACTIVATE events when not supported (resolves #18)
Android: Add Android Status bar colour (resolves #14)


Updated documentation (resolves #13)


Android: Implemented the checkUrlSchemeSupport function


Added information about the device such as OS version, device name  
Android: Windows: Fix for bug in AIR packager resulting in missing resources
Android: Changed name of resource folder to avoid conflicts
Android: x86 Support


Changed class structure to support FlashBuilder 4.6


Added check for .debug suffix in application id


iOS: Fixed crash on deactivation due to lock/home check (resolves #3)


iOS: Included arm64 support (resolves #2) 
Android: Corrected application id check when doesn't contain air prefix (resolves #1)


Corrected missing EventDispatcher functions from base class
iOS: Implemented autoreleasepools for all c function calls


Corrected missing EventDispatcher functions from base class
iOS: Implemented autoreleasepools for all c function calls


Updated README with correct links


New application based key check, removing server checks


iOS Update for iOS 8