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Privacy Sandbox


Currently this is for Android only

The Privacy Sandbox on Android introduces new technologies to improve user privacy and enable effective, personalized advertising experiences for mobile apps.

To read more on the Privacy Sandbox see the official documentation.

Configure API-specific Ad Services

This configuration gives you fine-grained control access to resources managed by the APIs in your app or embedded SDK. In your manifest, specify an adservicesConfig property as shown in the following example:

<application ...>
<property android:name="android.adservices.AD_SERVICES_CONFIG"
android:resource="@xml/gma_ad_services_config" />


Specify the ad services XML resource referenced in the manifest, such as res/xml/gma_ad_services_config.xml. For each privacy-preserving API applicable to your app (or embedded SDK), set the allowAllToAccess attribute to true to grant access to any callers.

Create a folder res in your application source and a sub-folder named xml. Ensure you package this folder as the custom resources for your AIR application by using the resdir option (more information here)

Create the file gma_ad_services_config.xml and add specify the configuration you require. The following example shows how to specify broad access to allow any enrollment account ID access to all privacy-preserving APIs:

<!-- Attribution API -->
<attribution allowAllToAccess="true" />

<!-- Topics API -->
<topics allowAllToAccess="true" />

<!-- Protected Audience on Android API -->
<custom-audiences allowAllToAccess="true" />

The following example shows how to specify fine-grained access to each privacy-preserving API for specific enrollment account IDs:

<!-- Attribution API -->
<attribution allowAdPartnersToAccess="ENROLLMENT-ID" allowAllToAccess="false" />

<!-- Topics API -->
<includes-sdk-library name="ENROLLMENT-ID" />
<topics allowAdPartnersToAccess="ENROLLMENT-ID" allowAllToAccess="false" />

<!-- Protected Audience on Android API -->
<custom-audiences allowAdPartnersToAccess="ENROLLMENT-ID" allowAllToAccess="false" />

Opting out

To opt out of the Admob implemented Topics API and Attribution Reporting API you can remove the additions to the manifest from your application descriptor.

Firstly create an Android config for specific manifest additions:

apm generate config android

Then edit the file created at config/android/AndroidManifest.xml and add the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="">

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS" tools:node="remove" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_ATTRIBUTION" tools:node="remove" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID" tools:node="remove" />


<property tools:node="removeAll" />



Now generate your application descriptor and the privacy sandbox APIs will be disabled.