Migrating to version 13
Version 13 brings the latest AdMob SDK which includes some significant changes to the SDK. This update includes:
- Android v20+
- iOS v8+
App Open Ads
App Open Ads have been added with this release
Event Changes
Left Application Events
events have been removed and are no longer dispatched. This includes:
We suggest using the Application extension state events to handle background deactivate events instead.
All the fullscreen ads (Interstitials, RewardedVideoAd, AppOpenAds) now dispatch FullScreenContentEvent
s when:
- they are shown:
- they fail to show:
- they are dismissed:
These events replace the equivalent events that were defined in the InterstitialAdEvent
, and RewardedVideoAdEvent
So you need to replace the following with their new equivalents:
eg for an interstitial, the following code:
var interstitial:InterstitialAd = Adverts.service.interstitials.createInterstitialAd();
interstitial.setAdUnitId( "AD_UNIT_ID" );
interstitial.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.LOADED, interstitial_loadedHandler );
interstitial.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.ERROR, interstitial_errorHandler );
interstitial.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.OPENED, interstitial_openedHandler );
interstitial.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.CLOSED, interstitial_closedHandler );
// ...
function interstitial_openedHandler( event:InterstitialAdEvent ):void
trace( "interstitial shown" );
function interstitial_closedHandler( event:InterstitialAdEvent ):void
trace( "interstitial dismissed" );
var interstitial:InterstitialAd = Adverts.service.interstitials.createInterstitialAd();
interstitial.setAdUnitId( "AD_UNIT_ID" );
interstitial.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.LOADED, interstitial_loadedHandler );
interstitial.addEventListener( InterstitialAdEvent.ERROR, interstitial_errorHandler );
interstitial.addEventListener( FullScreenContentEvent.SHOW, interstitial_showHandler );
interstitial.addEventListener( FullScreenContentEvent.DISMISSED, interstitial_dismissedHandler );
// ...
function interstitial_showHandler( event:FullScreenContentEvent ):void
trace( "interstitial shown" );
function interstitial_dismissedHandler( event:FullScreenContentEvent ):void
trace( "interstitial dismissed" );
We also suggest adding the listener for the FullScreenContentEvent.FAILED_TO_SHOW
event, handling any errors that are specific to displaying the fullscreen adverts. This should be done similarly to the load error events eg InterstitialAdEvent.ERROR
AdMob has moved some of the request options to a general "Request Configuration" API. This includes child directed treatments, targetting under age and max content ratings, along with the device ids used for testing. These options used to be set in the AdRequestBuilder
but are now set globally through a RequestConfiguration
object passed to Adverts.service.setRequestConfiguration()
In the past you may have used:
var builder:AdRequestBuilder = new AdRequestBuilder()
.tagForChildDirectedTreatment( false )
.tagForUnderAgeOfConsent( false )
.maxAdContentRating( "G" )
You should change these settings to be in a central location (after initialisation) using the following:
var config:RequestConfiguration = new RequestConfiguration()
.setTagForChildDirectedTreatment( RequestConfiguration.TAG_FOR_CHILD_DIRECTED_TREATMENT_FALSE )
.setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent( RequestConfiguration.TAG_FOR_UNDER_AGE_OF_CONSENT_FALSE )
.setMaxAdContentRating( RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_G )
.setTestDeviceIds( ["XXXSSSAAA"] )
Adverts.service.setRequestConfiguration( config );
Then when requesting an ad just construct a simple builder:
var builder:AdRequestBuilder = new AdRequestBuilder();
More information in the Targeting section.