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Turn Based Multiplayer - Invitations

Invitations are received when the player is invited to play a multiplayer game.

As invitations are not specific to turn based multiplayer you will mostly be dealing with the main GameServices instance (GameServices.service) here.

Invitations can be for either real-time or turn-based multiplayer games. (Currently only turn-based matches are supported.)

Invitations are supported by Google Play Services only. Invitations on Game Center are handled through the Game Center UI.

Loading invitations

You can load all the invitations that a player has received by calling loadInvites.


This call will dispatch one of the following events defined in the class:

  • MultiplayerEvent.LOADINVITES_SUCCESS: When successful and the invitations are available for processing
  • MultiplayerEvent.LOADINVITES_FAILED: If loading the invitations failed
  • MultiplayerEvent.LOADINVITES_NOT_SUPPORTED: This is dispatched when the current service doesn't support loading of invitations. You should treat this as a success and display an alternative interface to your user

On success you will have an array of Invitation objects (com.distriqt.extension.gameservices.multiplayer.Invitation):

private function gameServices_loadInvitesSuccessHandler( event:MultiplayerEvent ):void
for each (var invitation:Invitation in
trace( "INVITE: [""] from:"+invitation.inviter.displayName );

You can handle these invites in your UI as you require and accept or deny them depending on your users input.

Receiving Invites

While you application is running you can actively receive invitations by listening for the MultiplayerEvent.INVITATION_RECEIVED event. This is dispatched whenever an invitation is received by the game service.

GameServices.service.addEventListener( MultiplayerEvent.INVITATION_RECEIVED, invitationReceivedHandler );

You should handle this similarly to the load invitations:

private function invitationReceivedHandler( event:MultiplayerEvent ):void 
var invitation:Invitation = Invitation(;

trace( "INVITE: [""] from:"+invitation.inviter.displayName );

Accepting Invites

Accepting an invitation must be done through the correct handler.

You can ascertain the type of the invitation through the invitation.type variable which can be either INVITATION_TYPE_REAL_TIME or INVITATION_TYPE_TURN_BASED.

Turn Based Invites

Accepting a turn based match uses the GameServices.service.turnBasedMultiplayer.acceptInvitation function which will accept an available invitation to start a match.

GameServices.service.turnBasedMultiplayer.acceptInvitation( invite );

If successful the player will receive a new match object to play this game.

  • TurnBasedMatchEvent.ACCEPTINVITATION_SUCCESS: If successful the event will contain the match object
  • TurnBasedMatchEvent.ACCEPTINVITATION_FAILED: Dispatched if there was an error while accepting an invitation
GameServices.service.turnBasedMultiplayer.addEventListener( TurnBasedMatchEvent.ACCEPTINVITATION_SUCCESS, acceptInvitationSuccessHandler );
private function acceptInvitationSuccessHandler( event:TurnBasedMatchEvent ):void 
// event.match will contain the match object

You can now process the match object: Add Turn-based Multplayer Support

Decline Invites

If your player doesn't wish to accept the invite and play the match, they can decline the invitation using the declineInvitation function.

GameServices.service.turnBasedMultiplayer.declineInvitation( invite );