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Initialise the Service

This step initialises the platform using your game service settings. Initialising the service performs serveral things, notably:

  • configures the extension to use the requested service;
  • initialises any required configuration and connections to the service;

You perform this initialisation by firstly constructing an instance of the Service class, setting the required service type and then passing this to the initialiseService() method.

This will then dispatch either:

  • GameServicesEvent.INITIALISED: when the service is initialised successfully and game services are available;
  • GameServicesEvent.INITIALISE_ERROR: when the service failed to initialise, check the error and message for help on resolving the issue;
var service:Service;


if (GameServices.service.isServiceSupported( Service.HUAWEI_GAME_SERVICE ))
service = new Service( Service.HUAWEI_GAME_SERVICE );

else if (GameServices.service.isServiceSupported( Service.GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_SERVICES ))
service = new Service( Service.GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_SERVICES );

else if (GameServices.service.isServiceSupported( Service.IOS_GAME_CENTER ))
service = new Service( Service.IOS_GAME_CENTER );

GameServices.service.addEventListener( GameServicesEvent.INITIALISED, initialisedHandler );
GameServices.service.addEventListener( GameServicesEvent.INITIALISE_ERROR, errorHandler );

GameServices.service.initialiseService( service );

function initialisedHandler( event:GameServicesEvent ):void
// The platform has been initialised ready for sign in functions

function gameServices_initialiseErrorHandler( event:GameServicesEvent ):void
// An error occurred, try initialising the service again later
// Check the error code for developer errors and potentially network issues