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Migrating to v6.3

Android 31

When users interact with notifications, our extension responds to notification taps by launching an app component that eventually starts the AIR activity that the user finally sees and interacts with. This app component is known as a notification trampoline.

With Android 12 (API 31) the system prevents the activity from starting, and the following message appears in Logcat:

Indirect notification activity start (trampoline) from PACKAGE_NAME, \
this should be avoided for performance reasons.

More information here

To resolve this we have needed to completely redesign the notification system on Android 12. While this is a major refactor internally to the extension there are only a few things you need to manage. The API has not changed and you won't see any change to the events or order of the events.

If you are using apm all you need to do is update to the latest build and regenerate your application descriptor. apm will handle the rest.

apm update 
apm generate app-descriptor src/Main-app.xml