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Sound Pool

A SoundPool is a collection of samples that can be loaded into memory. It allows you to play short sound effects and samples. The sounds are loaded into memory for low-latency playback.

This is well suited to short sound effects and playback where trigger time is important. If you want to playback longer sounds and music look at the AudioPlayer class for a more complete audio playback solution. Sounds played through the sound pool may not complete if they are too long.

Creating Sounds

When dealing with the sound pool you will use the SoundPool functionality to create instances of a Sound and use this to load and play sounds.

To create a Sound call createSound():

var sound:Sound = MediaPlayer.service.soundPool.createSound();

Note: This is the com.distriqt.extension.mediaplayer.sound.Sound class and not We have used the same name to be able to quickly replace sounds in your application with the native equivalent.


To load a sound you call the loadFile function and pass a reference to a file on the device.

var soundFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("assets/explosion.mp3");

sound.loadFile( soundFile );

Loading a file will dispatch one of two events:

  • Event.COMPLETE: If the load was completed successfully and the sound is now available in memory for playback;
  • IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR: If the load failed either due to format or other issues with the file.

The loadFile call may also throw an Error if the file doesn't exist.

var soundFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("assets/explosion.mp3");

sound.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, sound_completeHandler );
sound.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sound_errorHandler );
sound.loadFile( soundFile );

function sound_completeHandler( event:Event ):void
// Sound is loaded and ready for playback

function sound_errorHandler( event:IOErrorEvent ):void
// An error occurred

Controlling Playback

Once a sound is loaded you can call play() to play the sound:;

To stop a sound call stop():



Once you have finished with a sound and never plan to use it again or if you wish to clear memory resources associated with a sound you can call unload().


Once a sound has been unloaded the Sound instance is no longer valid. You will need to create a new sound and load a file again.


If the device doesn't support native sound pool implementation a fallback implementation will be used which uses the implementation to playback sounds.

You can check what implementation will be used by checking the isSupportedNatively flag on the sound pool. If this is true then the native implementation will be used and if it is false then the implementation will be used.

Currently only Android has a native implementation

Migrating from


Loading a sound using the class:

var effect:Sound = new Sound();
effect.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, sound_loadCompleteHandler );
effect.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sound_errorHandler );
effect.load( new URLRequest( "sounds/effect.mp3" ));

function sound_loadCompleteHandler( event:Event ):void

Becomes the following using the com.distriqt.extension.mediaplayer.sound.Sound class:

var effect:Sound = MediaPlayer.service.soundPool.createSound();
effect.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, sound_loadCompleteHandler );
effect.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, sound_loadErrorHandler );
effect.loadFile( File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("sounds/effect.mp3"));

function sound_loadCompleteHandler( event:Event ):void


var loops:int = 1;
var transform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();

var channel:SoundChannel = 0, loops, transform );

becomes (still using

var loops:int = 1;
var transform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(); loops, transform );


Stopping a sound using flash requires the sound channel:


This is simplified to using the sound instance:



The Event.COMPLETE and IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR are both dispatched from the sounds.

There is no way to detect the end of playback with the sound pool.