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Audio Player

The Audio Player can be used to play back audio files using the native audio player.

Using the native audio player gives you access to a high performance player that allows streaming from http sources and playback of music and audio files packaged with your application.

Additionally it allows playback of audio in the background.

Here we will cover the basics of creating and using an AudioPlayer instance.

Create a Player

To create a player use the createAudioPlayer function. This function returns an instance of the AudioPlayer class that you will use as the main interface to control the audio playback.

var player:AudioPlayer = MediaPlayer.service.createAudioPlayer(); 

This will create a default audio player that you can use to load and playback audio files. There are a series of options available when you create a player through the AudioPlayerOptions class, for example to enable background audio playback you create an instance of this class and enable background audio, and pass this instance to the createAudioPlayer function:

var options:AudioPlayerOptions = new AudioPlayerOptions()

var player:AudioPlayer = MediaPlayer.service.createAudioPlayer( options );

You can create multiple players to playback different audio files simultaneously and control their playback individually

Once you have created the player you will need to load a file into the player, which will prepare the player for playback loading the file as neccessary.

For example, to load a file from the applicationStorageDirectory named audio-file.mp3:

var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("audio-file.mp3");

player.load( file.nativePath );

Playing Audio

Once you have created an AudioPlayer instance and called load to specify the audio file, playing the audio is simply a matter of calling play;

The player will dispatch the following events:

  • AudioPlayerEvent.COMPLETE: When the playback of the audio is complete (reaches the end);
  • AudioPlayerEvent.PAUSED: When the playback of the audio is paused (either from calling pause or user interaction with controls);
  • AudioPlayerEvent.PLAYING: When the playback of the audio has started or resumes;
  • MediaErrorEvent.ERROR: If an error occurred reading or playing the file, check the values in the MediaErrorEvent for more information on the error that occurred.
player.addEventListener( AudioPlayerEvent.COMPLETE, audioPlayer_completeHandler );
player.addEventListener( MediaErrorEvent.ERROR, audioPlayer_errorHandler );

function audioPlayer_errorHandler( event:MediaErrorEvent ):void
trace( "error: [" + event.code + "] " + event.description );

function audioPlayer_completeHandler( event:AudioPlayerEvent ):void
trace( "complete" );

To pause playback you can call the pause function on the player.


This will pause playback but not change the current playback position, so calling play again will resume play from the same position.

To change the current playback position you can call seek and pass the new playback position. 10.2 );

Playback Speed

The playback speed can be controlled by using the setPlaybackSpeed function. In order for this functionality to work however you must first have enabled the player to support changing the playback speed by enabling in the player options.

var options:AudioPlayerOptions = new AudioPlayerOptions()

var player:AudioPlayer = MediaPlayer.service.createAudioPlayer( options );

Once you have enabled the playback speed option you can call setPlaybackSpeed, the speed should be a value between 0.5 and 2:

player.setPlaybackSpeed( 0.5 );


When headphones are plugged in the audio will continue playing through the headphones. However when they are removed the standard process is that audio will be paused.

If you wish to alter this behaviour the AudioPlayerEvent.AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY will be dispatched at this point. This event is dispatched when the application audio would become "noisy", for example the headphones were removed and play would continue through the device speakers. However instead the system automatically pauses playback and you can use this event to trigger playback again.

player.addEventListener( AudioPlayerEvent.AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY, audioBecomingNoisyHandler );

function audioBecomingNoisyHandler( event:AudioPlayerEvent ):void

Audio Interruptions

Interuptions may occur when a user receives a phone call or when another app requests audio focus.

You are expected to be a "good app citizen" and not continue playing audio in these scenarios so you should listen for the AudioPlayerEvent.INTERRUPTION_START event on your audio player and ensure that you respond appropriately, pausing any active playback as a minimum.

player.removeEventListener( AudioPlayerEvent.INTERRUPTION_START, interruptionHandler );

function interruptionHandler( event:AudioPlayerEvent ):void
// Respond to audio interruption

You may also receive a AudioPlayerevent.INTERRUPTION_END, depending on the circumstances, to signal the end of the interruption. This event is not guaranteed to be delivered on all platforms and in all scenarios, so it can be used but do not rely on it.

player.removeEventListener( AudioPlayerEvent.INTERRUPTION_END, interruptionEndHandler );

function interruptionEndHandler( event:AudioPlayerEvent ):void
// Application has regained audio focus and can resume or start playback

Other Applications

If you play music in your application it is a good idea to check whether there is another application currently playing audio before starting your own audio. For example if there is a background music player application actively playing music.

You can use the isOtherAudioPlaying flag to check this in your application:

if (MediaPlayer.service.isOtherAudioPlaying)
// Other application is playing audio

In this case it is generally advised to disable your audio or at least any music that your application may play.