Location Monitoring
Start Location Monitoring
To start location monitoring you construct a LocationRequest
instance and then call startLocationMonitoring
The request specifies the details of the monitoring such as accuracy, priority and intervals.
You should only request the minimum level of information required to achieve your applications goals,
so to conserve the user's power wherever possible. The two most important settings are the accuracy and
priority, these separately specify the levels for iOS and Android respectively.
The extension will dispatch LocationEvent.UPDATE
events whenever a location update is received.
Location.service.addEventListener( LocationEvent.UPDATE, location_updateHandler );
var request:LocationRequest = new LocationRequest()
.setAccuracy( LocationRequest.ACCURACY_NEAREST_TEN_METERS )
.setPriority( LocationRequest.PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY );
var success:Boolean = Location.service.startLocationMonitoring( request );
function location_updateHandler( event:LocationEvent ):void
trace( "location updated: ["+event.position.latitude+","+event.position.longitude +"]");
Android Background Updates
In an effort to reduce power consumption, Android 8.0 (API level 26) limits how frequently background apps can retrieve the user's current location. Apps can receive location updates only a few times each hour.
This location retrieval behavior is particularly important to keep in mind if your app relies on real-time alerts or motion detection while running in the background.
Reference: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/oreo/background-location-limits
In order to get frequent updates when in the background we can launch a foreground service which will continue to receive location updates. Foreground services require a notification so additionally we create a notification and display it to the user. This notification when clicked will launch your application.
To enable this background operation you must set the persistInBackground
option on your LocationRequest
by calling setPersistInBackground()
This function takes two parameters. The first is the value for persistInBackground
which should be true
if you wish to enable the foreground service for background location updates. And the second is the text to display in the ongoing notification.
var request:LocationRequest = new LocationRequest()
.setAccuracy( LocationRequest.ACCURACY_NEAREST_TEN_METERS )
.setPriority( LocationRequest.PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY )
.setPersistInBackground( true, "Tracking location for mapping" );
Note: You should only do this if location updates in the background are critical to your applications core functionality.
Stop Location Monitoring
Stopping location updates is simply a matter of calling stopLocationMonitoring
and removing
any LocationEvent.UPDATE
listeners you may have been using.
Location.service.removeEventListener( LocationEvent.UPDATE, location_updateHandler );
var success:Boolean = Location.service.stopLocationMonitoring();
Update URL
As part of the location request you can specify a url that the extension will pass the location information whenever a location update is received.
This can be useful in situations where the application is running in the background (or even terminated on Android) the update url will still be contacted where AS3 code may not run.
var request:LocationRequest = new LocationRequest()
.setAccuracy( LocationRequest.ACCURACY_NEAREST_TEN_METERS )
.setPriority( LocationRequest.PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY );
Location.service.startLocationMonitoring( request );
The extension will send a json payload to the url containing the following structure:
"location": {
"altitude": 0.00,
"latitude": 0.00,
"longitude": 0.00,
"timestamp": 000000000
Mock Locations
In some circumstances it is possible for a user to download an app and send mock locations to your application.
We can detect if the location reported is from a mock location provider by checking the isMockLocation
property of the reported Position
function location_updateHandler( event:LocationEvent ):void
if (event.position.isMockLocation)
// This is a mock location - handle as appropriate for your application
If you are using the location for some specific user tracking you may find it important to ignore any mock location values.
Currently supported on Android only. iOS will always return false
for this value