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In order to use the rest of this extensions functionality you must first initialise the extension, specifying the service type you wish to use in your application.

This allows us to provide the same API to various different services.

To specify the service type, construct a HealthService instance and pass it to the initialise() method, eg to use the HealthService.HEALTH_CONNECT service:

new HealthService()
.setServiceType( HealthService.HEALTH_CONNECT )

You can check whether a service is supported via the isServiceSupported() method:

if (Health.instance.isServiceSupported( HealthService.HEALTH_CONNECT ))
// Health Connect is supported

You can just use the default service by calling initialise() with no parameters:

// Initialise the default service

On iOS this will use HealthKit, and on Android this will use Health Connect.

Services include:

  • HealthService.APPLE: Apple's HealthKit;
  • HealthService.HEALTH_CONNECT: Android Health Connect;
  • HealthService.FIT: Google Fitness API;

Android Health Connect

There is no setup required outside your application to use Health Connect.

Google Fitness API

Follow Google's Guide to create an OAuth client ID for your application and add the Fitness API to your Google app console project.


You may need to submit your application for verification from Google

You will need to setup and sign-in your users using the Google Identity extension.

Apple HealthKit

Enable HealthKit

Before you can use HealthKit, you must enable the HealthKit capabilities for your app.

Open your developer console and enable HealthKit for your application identifier:

  • Open the Developer Console
  • Locate your application and click on it to edit;
  • Under Capabilities, locate HealthKit and enable it:

  • Click Save;

You will now need to regenerate your provisioning profiles and download them again:

  • Navigate to Profiles
  • Locate and Edit your profile;
  • Click Save;
  • Click Download to download the updated profile;