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User Information

When your user is successfully signed in you will receive their information as part of the SIGN_IN event.

private function signInHandler( event:GoogleIdentityEvent ):void
// event.user contains the GoogleUser instance
// You should store this for reference in your application eg:
_user = event.user;

The GoogleUser contains the user identifier, access to the authentication object and profile information:

  • userID : The Google user ID
  • authentication: The GoogleAuthentication object for the user
  • profile: The GoogleProfileData object containing profile information

Profile Data

The GoogleProfileData object contains personal details about the user that you can use to customise their experience in your application.

This includes:

  • name: The user's display name
  • givenName: The given name of the signed in user
  • familyName: The family name of the signed in user
  • email: The Google user's email
  • photoUrl: The photo url of the signed in user

Authentication Information

The GoogleAuthentication object contains tokens required to access other services acting on behalf of the user.

This includes:

  • idToken
  • refreshToken
  • accessToken

Each of these tokens has their different uses, which the services you are using will explain.