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Analytics Events

Logging events is as simple as calling the logEvent function with an event name and an object representing any properties you'd like to attach to this event. In the example below we log a screen click and use the coordinates of the click as properties. The properties must be simple data types that can be converted into strings. "click", { x: event.stageX, y: event.stageY } );


Simple example of initialisation and logging a startup event.

trace( "Flurry Supported: " + Flurry.isSupported );
if (Flurry.isSupported)
var config:FlurryAnalyticsConfig = new FlurryAnalyticsConfig();
config );

trace( "Flurry Version: " + Flurry.service.version );
trace( "Flurry Agent Version: " + );; "startup" );
catch (e:Error)
trace( "ERROR::"+e.message );

Revenue Analytics

Revenue Analytics within Flurry allows you to track your In App Purchase (IAP) Revenue from transactions that occur within your iOS app or Android app in order to determine if your app is producing revenue from in app purchases at the levels you expect.

To log a purchase call the logPayment() method passing the details of the purchase:

var payment:PaymentData = new PaymentData( "candy", "yummy_candy", 1, 2.99, "USD", "123456789" ); payment );