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The Graph API implementation involves several classes. A builder class GraphRequestBuilder is used to create a GraphRequest which is then passed to the makeRequest function to actually perform the request.

The simplest example of this is retrieving the current user's information:

var request:GraphRequest = new GraphRequestBuilder()
.setPath( "/me" )

Facebook.instance.graphAPI.makeRequest( request );


A GraphRequest will dispatch status events indicating the completion or failure of the request:

  • GraphRequestEvent.COMPLETE: dispatched on successful completion
  • GraphRequestEvent.ERROR: dispatched if there was an error
request.addEventListener( GraphRequestEvent.COMPLETE, request_completeHandler );
request.addEventListener( GraphRequestEvent.ERROR, request_errorHandler );
function request_completeHandler( event:GraphRequestEvent ):void 
// will contain the Facebook response
trace( JSON.stringify( );

function request_errorHandler( event:GraphRequestEvent ):void
// event.errorCode and event.errorMessage will contain details on the error
trace( event.errorMessage );


As an alternative to events, you can add a callback function to a request:

var request:GraphRequest = new GraphRequestBuilder()
.setPath( "/me" )
function( data:Object ):void
log( "request complete: " + JSON.stringify(data) );
function( code:int, message:String ):void
log( "request error: " + code + "::"+ message );

These functions must be of the specific format above, i.e. for the complete callback:

function( data:Object ):void 
// process completion data

And the error callback:

function( errorCode:int, errorMessage:String ):void 
// process request error


The GraphRequestBuilder is your main interface to constructing requests.

You must specify at least the Graph API endpoint you wish to query using the setPath function.

Fields and Parameters

Most commands will have a list of optional parameters and/or fields. For example, the /me endpoint you can use the fields to add additional information you wish to retrieve. If you have requested the email permission for example, you can add the "email" field to return the users email address. To add a field use the addField or addFields function on the builder:

new GraphRequestBuilder()
.setPath( "/me" )
.addField( "email" )

Parameters are often additional information passed along with the request, for example a link passed along with a post request. To add a parameter use the addParameter function on the builder:

new GraphRequestBuilder()
.setPath( "/me/feed" )
.setMethod( GraphRequestBuilder.METHOD_POST )
.addParameter( "link", "" )

Image Data

If you wish to add image data to a post you can use the setImage function:

new GraphRequestBuilder()
.setPath( "/me/photos" )
.setMethod( GraphRequestBuilder.METHOD_POST )
.setImage( yourBitmapData )
.addParameter( "message", "Image posted through the Graph API from the Facebook API ANE" )