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Dialog Views and Builders


The DialogView instances created using the builders are designed to be reused and as such when you call create resources are allocated to display the dialog view. Once you have finished using the dialog you should call dispose on the dialog to remove any allocated resources for the dialog.

There are two main ways to handle this process. The one demonstrated in most of the examples here shows calling dispose when we have finished using the dialog i.e. in the closed event.

Using this method you could hold onto the DialogView instance and call show and dismiss as you require until you have finished using the dialog.

The second method is designed for a single use situation. In this method the resources are disposed as soon as the dialog is dismissed. To use this method you must pass true to the constructor of your dialog builder to specify the dialog should be disposed automatically when closed.

Dispose on close can be used to display a simple Alert without having to respond to the close event and dispose the resources yourself. The following example demonstrates this:

new AlertBuilder( true )
.setTitle( "Alert" )
.setMessage( "Test Message" )
.addOption( "OK" )