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Document Store

Make sure you have added the entitlements to your application descriptor before attempting to use the document store. See the section: Add the Extension.

Note: Document storage is not supported on Apple's tvOS or through the Unity plugin

Checking Support

You should check if the document store functionality is supported on the current platform by using the isSupported flag. This will determine if the current platform (Android, iOS, tvOS etc) supports the document storage functionality.

if (CloudStorage.service.documentStore.isSupported)
// The documentStore functionality is supported on the current platform

Certain platforms, such as tvOS will return false for this value.

Setup the store

To start you must call setup on the document store. This initialises the store to be ready for document handling and makes sure that the services are available.

You can either pass a specific Ubiquity Container ID or an empty string to use the first container ID in your entitlements.

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentStoreStateEvent.INITIALISED, ds_initialisedHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentStoreStateEvent.CHANGE, ds_stateChangeHandler );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentStoreEvent.FILES_DID_CHANGE, ds_filesDidChangeHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentStoreEvent.CONFLICT, ds_conflictHandler );


Once you have called setup you can check if the document store is available for use by checking the isAvailable flag:

if (CloudStorage.service.documentStore.isAvailable)
// Can use storage

The events that are dispatched here represent different events occurring in the store:

private function ds_initialisedHandler( event:DocumentStoreStateEvent ):void
trace( "ds_initialisedHandler: " + event.available + ":"+event.containerUrl );
trace( event.token );

private function ds_stateChangeHandler( event:DocumentStoreStateEvent ):void
trace( "ds_stateChangeHandler: " + event.available + ":"+event.containerUrl );

// Should check for user change here storing the current value of the token
trace( event.token );

private function ds_filesDidChangeHandler( event:DocumentStoreEvent ):void
trace( "ds_filesDidChangeHandler" );
for each (var document:Document in event.documents)
trace( "changed: "+document.filename );

private function ds_conflictHandler( event:DocumentStoreEvent ):void
trace( "ds_conflictHandler" );
// See handling conflicts later

List Documents

Once you have setup the store you can query the available documents by calling listDocuments.

if (CloudStorage.service.documentStore.isAvailable)
var documents:Vector.<Document> = CloudStorage.service.documentStore.listDocuments();

for each (var document:Document in documents)
trace( "document: "+document.filename +" ["+document.url+"]" );

// Store for other actions
_documents = documents;


If you wish, you can force an update of the current files by calling update.

var success:Boolean = CloudStorage.service.documentStore.update();

Load a Document

Once you have retrieved the list of files that are available you will most likely want to load the data of the document. This is done by calling loadDocument passing the document's filename that you wish to load:

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE, document_loadCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.LOAD_ERROR, document_loadErrorHandler );

var success:Boolean = CloudStorage.service.documentStore.loadDocument( document.filename );

If this call succeeds you will receive one of the load events. In the following we are loading a text file and attempt to trace the contents of the file.

private function document_loadCompleteHandler( event:DocumentEvent ):void
trace( "document_loadCompleteHandler" );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE, document_loadCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.LOAD_ERROR, document_loadErrorHandler );

if (event.document &&
trace( "[""] : "+event.document.modifiedDate.toLocaleString() );
try {
trace( ));
} catch (e:Error) {}

private function document_loadErrorHandler( event:DocumentEvent ):void
trace( "document_loadErrorHandler: " + event.error );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE, document_loadCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.LOAD_ERROR, document_loadErrorHandler );

Save a Document

Now that you have a loaded document you can modify the data in the file by changing the data contained in the document's data. Once you have modified the content, call saveDocument to write the contents of the doucment to the document store.

For example, in the following we create a string with a random number and write that to the document:

var content:String =  "TEST SOME STRING WRITING "+String(Math.floor(Math.random()*100000));e

_documents[0].data = new ByteArray();
_documents[0].data.writeUTFBytes( content );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_COMPLETE, document_saveCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_ERROR, document_saveErrorHandler );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.saveDocument( _documents[0] );

Again you will receive either a complete or error event, depending on the success of the save.

private function document_saveCompleteHandler( event:DocumentEvent ):void
trace( "document_saveCompleteHandler" );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_COMPLETE, document_saveCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_ERROR, document_saveErrorHandler );

private function document_saveErrorHandler( event:DocumentEvent ):void
trace( "document_saveErrorHandler" );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_COMPLETE, document_saveCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_ERROR, document_saveErrorHandler );

Create a Document

To create a new document you can simply create an instance of the Document class passing in your data and then call saveDocument. This will create a new file where appropriate and return the normal save success / error events.

var document:Document = new Document();
document.filename = "test.txt"; = new ByteArray(); "TEST SOME STRING WRITING" );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_COMPLETE, document_createCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.SAVE_ERROR, document_createErrorHandler );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.saveDocument( document );

If you wish to create the document in a folder, you can add a folder name to the filename of the document.

document.filename = "folder/test.txt";

Delete a Document

To delete a document call deleteDocument with the filename of the document to delete.

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.DELETE_COMPLETE, document_deleteCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.addEventListener( DocumentEvent.DELETE_ERROR, document_deleteErrorHandler );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.deleteDocument( _documents[0].filename );
private function document_deleteCompleteHandler( event:DocumentEvent ):void
trace( "document_deleteCompleteHandler" );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.DELETE_COMPLETE, document_deleteCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.DELETE_ERROR, document_deleteErrorHandler );

private function document_deleteErrorHandler( event:DocumentEvent ):void
trace( "document_deleteErrorHandler" );

CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.DELETE_COMPLETE, document_deleteCompleteHandler );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.removeEventListener( DocumentEvent.DELETE_ERROR, document_deleteErrorHandler );

Handling conflicts

Conflicts can (and will) occur when devices save to the same file simulataneously and cannot be resolved by iCloud.

You must listen for the conflict event and process each conflict. The event contains a list of documents that are in a conflicted state and you must use getConflictingVersionsForDocument to get the versions of the file and then decide which is the valid version and resolve the conflict with that version of the file, calling resolveConflictWithVersion.

The following iterates over the conflicts and blindly resolves the conflict with the first version of the file.

private function ds_conflictHandler( event:DocumentStoreEvent ):void
trace( "ds_conflictHandler" );
for each (var document:Document in event.documents)
trace( "conflict: "+document.filename );
var versions:Array = CloudStorage.service.documentStore.getConflictingVersionsForDocument( document );
CloudStorage.service.documentStore.resolveConflictWithVersion( document, versions[0] );

You should not use this in production! We just are using this to demonstrate the function calls.