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implementation — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
The implementation currently in use.
inEeaOrUnknown — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.events.ConsentEvent
If the user is located in the European Economic Area or the request location is unknown If this is false, the user is not located in the European Economic Area and consent is not required under the EU User Consent Policy.
info — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.events.AdvertisingIdEvent
Information about the advertising identifier
init(key:String) — Static Method , class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
Initialises the extension class for use with the provided key.
initialise() — method, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
Initialises the service and starts any data collection.
INITIALISED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.events.AdvertsEvent
initialisePlatform(platform:String, accountId:String) — method, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
Initialise the required platform with your account ID for the service.
INTERNAL_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ErrorCode
Something happened internally; for instance, an invalid response was received from the ad server.
interstitial:error — Event, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.InterstitialAd
interstitial:loaded — Event, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.InterstitialAd
InterstitialAd — Interface, package com.distriqt.extension.adverts
InterstitialAdEvent — class, package com.distriqt.extension.adverts.events
InterstitialAdEvent(type:String, errorCode:int, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.events.InterstitialAdEvent
interstitials — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
Returns access to the interstitial functionality.
Interstitials — Interface, package com.distriqt.extension.adverts
This interface defines the available InterstitialAd advert functionality.
INVALID_AD_STRING — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ErrorCode
The ad string is invalid.
INVALID_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ErrorCode
The ad request was invalid; for instance, the ad unit ID was incorrect.
isConsentFormAvailable() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ump.ConsentInformation
Returns true if a ConsentForm is available, false otherwise.
isDesignedForFamilies — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdRequest
isLimitAdTrackingEnabled — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdvertisingIdInfo
A Boolean value that indicates whether the user has limited ad tracking.
isLoaded() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.InterstitialAd
Indicates the interstitial has been loaded and is ready to be displayed.
isLoaded() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.appopen.AppOpenAd
Indicates the app open ad has been loaded and is ready to be displayed.
isLoaded — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.nativeads.NativeAd
Whether the current ad has a loaded ad available to be shown
isLoaded() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.rewarded.RewardedVideoAd
Indicates the rewarded video ad has been loaded and is ready to be displayed.
isLoaded() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.rewardedinterstitial.RewardedInterstitialAd
Indicates the rewarded video ad has been loaded and is ready to be displayed.
isLoading() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdView
Returns true if the ad is loading.
isLoading() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.InterstitialAd
Returns true if the ad is loading.
isLoading — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.nativeads.NativeAd
Whether the current ad has a load operation in progress
isPlatformSupported(platform:String) — method, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
Using this function you can determine if a platform is supported on the current device.
isSupported — Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
Whether the current device supports the extensions functionality
isSupported — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Interstitials
Returns true if the currently initialised platform supports InterstitialAd adverts.
isSupported — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.appopen.AppOpenAds
Returns true if the currently initialised platform supports AppOpenAd adverts.
isSupported — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.consent.Consent
Returns true if the current platform supports the Consent SDK If this returns false you should try the User Messaging Platform (ump) for consent gathering.
isSupported — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.nativeads.NativeAds
Returns true if the currently initialised platform supports NativeAd adverts.
isSupported — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.rewarded.RewardedVideoAds
Returns true if the currently initialised platform supports RewardedVideoAd adverts.
isSupported — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.rewardedinterstitial.RewardedInterstitialAds
Returns true if the currently initialised platform supports RewardedInterstitialAd adverts.
isSupported — Property, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ump.UserMessagingPlatform
Whether the current service supports this functionality
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