A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
gender — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdRequest |
the user's gender targeting information
GENDER_FEMALE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdRequest |
Female gender
GENDER_MALE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdRequest |
Male gender
GENDER_UNKNOWN — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdRequest |
Unknown gender
getAdSize() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdView |
Returns the size of the ad. |
getAdUnitId() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.AdView |
Returns the ad unit ID. |
getAdUnitId() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.InterstitialAd |
Returns the ad unit ID. |
getAdUnitId() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.appopen.AppOpenAd |
Returns the ad unit ID. |
getAdUnitId() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.rewarded.RewardedVideoAd |
Returns the ad unit ID. |
getAdUnitId() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.rewardedinterstitial.RewardedInterstitialAd |
Returns the ad unit ID. |
getAdvertisingId(callback:Function) — method, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts |
Retrieves the advertising id for the current advertising platform
This function will return the current known value, however the id may not yet be valid. |
getConsentInformation() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ump.UserMessagingPlatform |
Gets the ConsentInformation
getConsentStatus(publisherId:String) — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.consent.Consent |
Asynchronously gather the current consent status for your user. |
getConsentStatus() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ump.ConsentInformation |
Gets the current consent status
getConsentType() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ump.ConsentInformation |
Gets the current consent type
getPrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ump.ConsentInformation |
Gets the status indicating whether a privacy options button is required. |
getRequestConfiguration() — method, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts |
Gets the global RequestConfiguration object. |
getUserId() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.rewarded.RewardedVideoAd |
Returns the user id set by setUserId(String). |
getViewParams() — method, interface com.distriqt.extension.adverts.nativeads.NativeAd |
Retrieve the current view params. |
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