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OBTAINED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ump.ConsentStatus
User consent obtained.
openAdInspector() — method, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.Adverts
Open the Ad Inspector Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of test ad requests directly within a mobile app.
OPENED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.events.AdViewEvent
This event is dispatched when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen..
OPENED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.events.NativeAdEvent
OS_VERSION_TOO_LOW — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.adverts.ErrorCode
The current device's OS is below the minimum required version
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