Interfacepublic interface RewardedVideoAds

This interface defines the available Rewarded Video Ad functionality.

Note: You must initialise a platform before calling any of these functions.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  isSupported : Boolean
[read-only] Returns true if the currently initialised platform supports RewardedVideoAd adverts.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Create a RewardedVideoAd advert instance to load and display rewarded videos.
Property Detail
isSupported:Boolean  [read-only]

Returns true if the currently initialised platform supports RewardedVideoAd adverts.

    public function get isSupported():Boolean
Method Detail
public function createRewardedVideoAd():RewardedVideoAd

Create a RewardedVideoAd advert instance to load and display rewarded videos. This may return null if rewarded video ad's are not supported. Important: RewardedVideoAd no longer follow a singleton type implementation so there now can be many instances in your application. Calling this function multiple times will return different objects and you are responsible for destroying the advert.

RewardedVideoAdRewardedVideoAd instance