APM, InAppBilling, OneSignal, Facebook and Unity
This month we have updated some of our most important extensions, including a new service for In-App Billing (Samsung and macOS), major SDK updates for OneSignal (Push Notifications) and Facebook.
Additionally we have released several of our extensions as Unity Plugins on the Unity Asset Store. This allows us to move into a new market while still bringing much needed tools to AIR. Any feedback is welcome.

Our lead developer is working on a pet project at the moment and is looking for support to get it off the ground.
The AIR Package Manager allows management of AIR libraries and extensions and assists in creation of the application descriptor.
It’s a much needed missing part of the AIR ecosystem but unfortunately it’s too large a project for us to develop internally.
Have a look at the repository and if you have any thoughts and feel you could help please reach out, either by sponsoring or contributing.