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Query product information

To query information about your known products you call the getProducts function with an array of store product ids.

WindowsStore.service.getProducts( [ "XXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXX" ] );

These id's will be set by the store and available in the dashboard when you create your products.

This call will result in one of two possible events:

  • ProductEvent.GET_PRODUCTS_COMPLETE: Dispatched if product information retrieval was successful;
  • ProductEvent.GET_PRODUCTS_ERROR: Dispatched if an error occurred.
WindowsStore.service.addEventListener( ProductEvent.GET_PRODUCTS_COMPLETE, getProducts_completeHandler );
WindowsStore.service.addEventListener( ProductEvent.GET_PRODUCTS_ERROR, getProducts_errorHandler );

WindowsStore.service.getProducts( [ "XXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXX" ] );

function getProducts_completeHandler( event:ProductEvent ):void
for each (var product:Product in event.products)
trace( "product: [" + + "]:: "+product.priceString+" "+product.description );

function getProducts_errorHandler( event:ProductEvent ):void
trace( "ERROR: ["+event.errorCode+"] : "+ event.errorMessage );

Product Types

There are several types of product as indicated by the type property of the Product object. It will be one of the following:

  • Consumable: A store managed consumable product that can be purchased, used, and purchased again. The store keeps a track of the user's balance for these types of products.
  • UnmanagedConsumable: A developer managed consumable product that can be purchased, used, and purchased again. The store does not track the user's total for these types.
  • Durable: A product that persists for the lifetime specified in the dashboard. Subscription products will have this type.


Each product may have multiple product skus associated with it, indicating price changes or variations of the product.

Importantly this SKU information contains whether the product is a subscription and billing information about the subscription (eg billing period and whether it has a trial period).

This information is contained in the skus array of a Product:

for each (var sku:ProductSku in product.skus)

if (sku.isSubscription)
// Product is a subscription
if (sku.subscriptionInfo.hasTrialPeriod)
// Subscription has a trial


In our tests it seems there are sometimes an odd "non-subscription" SKU created for a subscription product. We aren't sure as to the source or reason for this SKU, so always ensure you check all the SKUs for the subscription information.