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Version 5

Version 5 brings the iOS 14 authorisation requests using the App Tracking Transparency framework.

You will need to add the usage description to your info additions:

<string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>


And to ensure you have authorisation before attempting to retrieve the IDFA:

if (IDFA.service.authorisationStatus() == TrackingAuthorisationStatus.AUTHORISED)
// You have permission to access the IDFA


Version 4

Version 4 changes the Google Play Services dependencies removing the dependency on the entire Ads library and replacing it with the much smaller AdsIdentifier library.

In order to support this change you will need to add the com.distriqt.playservices.AdsIdentifier dependency and remove the com.distriqt.playservices.Ads.

Please note that other extensions may still need the com.distriqt.playservices.Ads extension (mainly AdMob or related services) so ensure you check your other ANEs before removing it.