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Handling Stores

Retrieving the Store

You can retrieve the store that the application was installed through by using the getInstallerStore() function. This function will attempt to determine which store the application was installed through and return one of the following values:

  • STORE_GOOGLEPLAY: The application was installed from the Google Play Store;
  • STORE_AMAZON: The application was installed from the Amazon Store;
  • STORE_HUAWEI_APPGALLERY: The application was installed from the Huawei App Gallery;
  • STORE_SAMSUNG: The application was installed from the Samsung Galaxy Store;
  • STORE_APPSTORE: The application was installed from the Apple AppStore. This is the default for all iOS / macOS devices and will be returned on iOS / macOS whether the application was installed through the AppStore or not;
  • STORE_UNKNOWN: Returned if the store could not be determined. This will happen when your application wasn't installed through a store eg when testing on Android.


var store:String = ApplicationRater.service.getInstallerStore();

You can then use this value to set the appropriate application id if you use different application id's in different stores.

For example, say we have in the Google Play Store and in the Amazon store:

var store:String = ApplicationRater.service.getInstallerStore();
switch (store)
case ApplicationRater.STORE_AMAZON:
ApplicationRater.service.setApplicationId( "", ApplicationRater.IMPLEMENTATION_ANDROID );

case ApplicationRater.STORE_GOOGLEPLAY:
ApplicationRater.service.setApplicationId( "", ApplicationRater.IMPLEMENTATION_ANDROID );
