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Text View Alert

The Text View Alert is very similar to the basic Alert with text inputs except it contains a single text input allowing multiple lines of text.

It is created using the TextViewAlertBuilder.

The dialog is a modal dialog that can display a title, a message and 2 actions.

var textViewAlert:DialogView = Dialog.service.create( 
new TextViewAlertBuilder()
.setTitle( "Enter some text" )
.setMessage( "Please enter some multiline text" )
.addOption( "OK", DialogAction.STYLE_POSITIVE, 0 )
textViewAlert.addEventListener( DialogViewEvent.CLOSED, textViewAlert_closedHandler );;


private function textViewAlert_closedHandler( event:DialogViewEvent ):void
trace( "text view closed: " + event.index +"::"+ event.values.join(",") );
var alert:DialogView = DialogView(event.currentTarget);
alert.removeEventListener( DialogViewEvent.CLOSED, alert_closedHandler );